Mobile comics is an app for Google App Engine for viewing the daily comics.
It comes in two parts. The server side component crawls a number of sites
every day and saves all the new comics it comes across. The client side
component uses is a web app built on [sencha touch] that saves your list of
comics locally and displays the most current version. It also allows you to
go back and view older comics.
To install, it is fairly easy, just deploy your app using Google App Engine.
To prefill the list of comics call the following URL as admin:
http://[your domain]/tasks/preload/0
From then on, each day a cron job will run populating your table with the
newest comics.
To add a new source, you should do the following tasks
1. In, add a new type for your source.
2. Create a fetcher which should crawl a page given a certain comic, and
extract the latest comic.
3. Add your fetcher to the FETCHERS map
4. Add to, so that new instances can propulate the list of comics
obtained from that source.