Install virtualenvwrapper virtualenvwrapper and pip-tools, create a virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
pip instal pip-tools
mkvirtualenv envName
workon envName
In order to automatically add required environment vars install autoenv
Install requirements:
cd requirements
pip-sync common.txt dev.txt
To add new requirements... add to requirements/, then compile
cd requirements
pip compile
#if it's only needed in dev environment add to
pip compile
pip-sync common.txt dev.txt
Sync your db for the first time (In app folder )
python migrate
Create superUser:
python createsuperuser
python runserver
Create the Openshift application with a DIY and Postgresql 8.4 cartridge (also works on MySQL and SQLite out-of-the-box):
$ rhc app create <exampleapp> diy-0.1 postgresql-8.4
$ cd <exampleapp>
$ git remote add upstream -m master git:/
$ git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
$ git push
- Circus and Nginx configs are located in configs/ dir. Environments variables in this configs will substitute on deploy stage.
- If you want change the name of the Django project, please change it in the file .appname too.
- Django project is configured to work with PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite (in this priority order).
- Also this Django project will work on local machine: it will use SQLite, static and media folders will located in project folder.
The 'pre_build' hook script performs the following actions:
- Installs Python 3.5.0
- Installs Virtualenv 1.9.1 and creates virtualenv in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/virtualenv
- Installs Nginx 1.4.0
You can install any version as you want, just change versions variables in this script
- Installs a pip packages from 'requirements.txt' (Django>=1.5, psycopg2, uwsgi, Pillow)
Feel free to edit this file, but leave Circus and Django.
- Creates static and media dirs ($OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/static/static and $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/static/media) for Django
- Substitute environments variables to Nginx and Circus configs and copy its to $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR