Various tests and stackoverflow questions
Flask unittesting API requests (when using http auth), code: ./python-flask-unittest
Create a Zip Archive from a cloned GitHub repo in Python, code ./python-git-archive
Is there any object-oriented approach or pattern to work with tabular data?
Clientside Javascript in Typescript Express projects, code: ./nodejs-typescript
Extract specific files from multiple 7-zip files, code: ./bash_extract
PHP: Access to private properties of a child class from the parent class, there is also a comparison to C++ behavior
How to structure / design events and tasks in a quest system to make code manageable?
Pygtk color for drag_highlight, code: ./quick-test/
PHP 7 return type hinting (why null is not allowed as a return value)
About simple jQuery-based templating system
- Code ./jquery-templates - jQuery version, pure javascript version and angular.js version
- Related question and answer - Remove cloned elements and add new ones
Python multiple inheritance question, code ./quick-test/
How to request a JSONP file via jQuery AJAX from the Upwork API that uses OAuth 1.0 authentication?
Node.js: how to 'inherit' from abstract class?, code ./js-inheritance
How to pass data to controller and back to the view in Angular? (directive)
Mongoose deep populate limiting the intermediate model, code: ./nodejs-mongoose-deep-populate/
What does “resolved” / “resolving” term actually mean in PHP?
Is it possible to update a already created job in kue node js, code ./nodejs-kue-test/
Angular. How can I filter dynamic array in controller?, code: ./angular-filter/
array type property shared between multiple objects in javascript
How to make sure parent method is always called before child overrides it in a decorator?
Proper way to pass values (directly pass dependencies vs pass an object which has the dependencies)
Does omitting super() and/or weakening preconditions violate Liskov Substitution Principle?
How to call javascript function in module, code: ./require-js-module/
Angular throws errors whenever JQuery is included, code: ./angular-jquery-load-problem
Redmine: Copy issue multiple times - implementation idea of how to add a multiple copy feature to the Redmine
PHP - How do you find duplicate value groupings in an array
- Actually the task is to split the original array into the longest adjacent non-overlapping patterns
- Example: ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] -> [['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], ['c'], ['d']]
- Code: ./php-array-patterns/test.php
Replace the specific RGB color with another image using PHP, code ./php-image-background/convert.php
Flask-SQLAlchemy mixin with CheckConstraint in table_args results with errors, code: ./sql-alchemy/
Cloned from a colleague's computer, now pull from Bitbucket still downloads a lot, shell script to reproduce: ./git-local-clone/
Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many adjacency list changes after commit, code: ./sql-alchemy/
SQLAlchemy DELETE from many-to-many relationship, code: ./sql-alchemy/
abnormal angularjs behaviour in validation forms forbid to pick a date that should be accepted
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {, code: ./node-unexpected-error/
- Note: it was more than just a syntax error, pretty tricky issue
How to use createPeriodicWave instead of createScriptProcessor and getChannelData
How to dynamic count how many times ng-repeat repeated?, jsfiddle
SQLALchemy Many to Many model relationship configuration with polymorphic models, code: ./sql-alchemy/
ERunactions is not working - Yii, github repository with example