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Quick start

You may want to replace LIBRARY_TEMPLATE with your library name:

# Rename files
find $(pwd) -type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -iname "library_template*" -exec bash -c 'mv $1 ${1/library_template/<your_lib>}' bash {} \;
# Rename directories
find $(pwd) -type d -not -path '*/\.git/*' -iname "library_template*" -exec bash -c 'mv $1 ${1/library_template/<your_lib>}' bash {} \;
# Rename occurrences in files
find $(pwd) -type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -exec sed -i 's/LIBRARY_TEMPLATE/<YOUR_LIB>/g' {} \;
find $(pwd) -type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -exec sed -i 's/Library_Template/<Your_Lib>/g' {} \;
find $(pwd) -type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -exec sed -i 's/library_template/<your_lib>/g' {} \;
# Rename URLs
find $(pwd) -type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -exec sed -i 's/seqan\/library-template/<repo_owner>\/<repo_name>/g' {} \;


Pull history of the template:

git remote add template
git fetch template
git rebase --onto template/main SHA_of_first_commit_in_your_repo main
# e.g. `git rebase --onto template/main 45a5e1dce4b440fc64fd1cd8d96c0370053b985a main`

The first commit is usually the one where you update all the names.

After this, git merge template/main can be used to merge changes.



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