Python implementation of TARQL, based on RDFLib.
usage: pytarql [-h] [-d DELIMITER | -t] [-p ESCAPECHAR]
[--quotechar QUOTECHAR] [--dedup DEDUP] [--ntriples] [-H]
query [input]
PyTARQL CSV to RDF converter (Table SPARQL).
positional arguments:
query File containing a SPARQL query to be applied to an
input file
input CSV to be processed, omit to use STDIN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Delimiting character of the input file
-t, --tab Input is tab-separated (TSV)
Escape character of the input file
--quotechar QUOTECHAR
Quote character of the input file
--dedup DEDUP Window size in which to remove duplicate triples
--ntriples Emit N-Triples (default is turtle)
-H, --no-header-row Input file has no header row; use variable names ?a,
?b, ...