Create a python script to retrieve data from binance api for few crypto coins and store them in google cloud bigtable and google cloud bigquery
Pip install google-cloud-bigtable Pip install google-cloud-bigquery Pip install google-cloud-core
- Create a BigTable Instance and Table in Google Cloud BigTable
- Create a Dataset and table in Googe Cloud BigQuery
- Go to BigQuery UI
- Click the table name and view the data or write select * from
- Go to Cloud Shell
- echo project =
gcloud config get-value project
> ~/.cbtrc - echo instance = bigtable-instance >> ~/.cbtrc ### use your bigtable instance id instead of bigtable-instance
- cbt read my-table ### use your table-name instead of my-table. This command is used to view your data stored in bigtable
- Align the python code according to your project_id, dataset and table.
- Then Run the code provide in the github.