An implementation of different approaches to solve the satisfiability problem (SAT) using blind, heuristic and metaheuristic methods.
Project realized in July 2019 as a university practical work, field : Artificial Intelligence (AI), level : Master 1. The goal was to use different algorithms which implement blind search methods (depth first and breadth first), heuristic methods (A*) and metaheuristics (GA, BSO and PSO) to find solutions for instances of the SAT problem.
├── examples <- Contains test files for the SAT solver
│ ├── uf20-01.cnf / uf50-01.cnf / uf75-01.cnf <- Benchmark files (SAT instances)
│ └── dataSearchMethod.png / resultsStats.png <- Images used as illustration
├── src <- Contains Java source-code of the project
│ ├── main <- Contains general classes used in other packages (with "main()" method)
│ ├── gui <- Contains the GUI (the frame and its components)
│ ├── blindSearch <- Contains the implementation of DFS and BFS searches
│ ├── heuristicSearch <- Contains the implementation of different heuristic algorithms
│ ├── ga <- Contains the implementation of GA metaheuristic search method
│ ├── bso <- Contains the implementation of BSO metaheuristic search method
│ ├── pso <- Contains the implementation of PSO metaheuristic search method
│ └── JFreeChart-1.5.0.jar <- External library used to generate statistical graphs
├── Report.pdf <- Project Report : Definitions, Comparisons and Analysis (in French)
└── <- Current project information
- Java (with JFreeChart [Swing doesn't support graphs natively]. Used version : JDK 8).
To run this project, make sure that you have at least JDK 8 already installed. Then, if you're using an IDE, just import the "src" directory into a "new java project" (with "JFreeChart" as an external JAR). Otherwise, if you prefer the "command-line" (terminal), go to the root of the project and follow these steps :
# Create a destination directory for the compiled ".java" files
$ mkdir bin
# Go to the "source-code" directory
$ cd src
# Compile all ".java" files with the external Jar "JFreeChart" (For Windows, replace ':' with ';')
$ javac -d "../bin" -cp ".:JFreeChart-1.5.0.jar" main/*.java gui/*.java blindSearch/*.java heuristicSearch/*.java ga/*.java bso/*.java pso/*.java
# Go back to the root directory
$ cd ..
# Execute the main class (Application) with the external JAR "JFreeChart" (For Windows, replace ':' with ';')
$ java -cp "bin:src/JFreeChart-1.5.0.jar" main/Application
To use this application, you have to import a SAT instance (a set of clauses) in DIMACS CNF format, some examples can be found in examples/ directory. For more benchmarks, visit : SATLIB - Benchmark Problems.
- Implementation of different resolution approaches for the SAT problem :
- Blind, complete search methods :
- Depth-First Search (DFS).
- Breadth-First Search (BFS).
- Heuristic search method (A* algorithm).
- Genetic Algorithm (GA).
- Bee Swarm Optimization (BSO) metaheuristic search method.
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) metaheuristic search method.
- Blind, complete search methods :
- A simple GUI for solving the SAT problem :
- Import a CNF file and display its content (number of clauses and variables/literals of each clause).
- Choose the method of resolution and its parameters.
- Display the resolution result in the form of bar chart and associated statistics.
Since this SAT-Solver was developed as a practical work, it will no longer be developed or improved.