Pixel Planet shaders originally created by Deep-Fold, ported to Defold game engine by me.
See it in action: https://selimanac.itch.io/defold-pixel-planet-generator
Please visit his itch.io project page here: https://deep-fold.itch.io/pixel-planet-generator
All credit goes to Deep-Fold
Thanks to @britz for lowrez template.
No logic here...
x = size
y = pixels
z = rotation
w = stretch
uniform lowp vec4 transform;
x = seed
y = time
z = time_speed
uniform lowp vec4 generic;
x = light_border_1
y = light_border_2
z = bands
w =
uniform lowp vec4 border;
x = cover (cloud)
y = curve (cloud)
z = dither_size
w = scale (scale_rel_to_planet)
uniform lowp vec4 modify;
x = light_origin.x
y = light_origin.y
z = light_distance1
w = light_distance2
uniform lowp vec4 lights;
x = ring_width
y = ring_perspective
z = cutoff (lake_cutoff / land_cutoff / river_cutoff)
uniform lowp vec4 extras;
x = circle_amount
y = circle_size
z = storm_width
w = storm_dither_width
uniform lowp vec4 circles;