To run a development server, run yarn dev
Deploy with yarn deploy
Fork this project, and change the stuff in ./config.js
to get started. If you find any more React-specific after that,
please submit a pull request that moves those texts etc into ./config.js
All content is found in the ./content/
folder, categorized by year. If you want to add articles from - let's say 2018,
create a folder named ./content/2018
and start creating Markdown files.
The markdown files should be named
etc - all the way up to
. Each article should start with some
metadata in the Frontmatter format - it looks like this:
title: Get started with create-react-app
lead: Creating your first React app usually starts off with a 30 minute crash course with Webpack, Babel and a whole lot of stuff not remotely related to React. That all changed with create-react-app.
author: Kristofer Selbekk
- title: Official site of create-react-app
body: The offical web site of create-react-app
- title: Learning React with create-react-app
body: A 4-part series introducing the basics of React, based on create-react-app
- title: Automation without config
body: A great article discussing how to create your own create-react-app to suit your own needs
The links
are optional, but they tend to add tons of value to the article if you pick the right ones.
See that author field above? That actually maps to an author bio page. To add your own, please create the file
. This file should start with similar metadata:
name: Kristofer Selbekk
twitter: selbekk
github: selbekk
oneliner: React practice lead at Bekk
Note that the mapping between the author's name and this file name is brittle af, so try to have a normal name, without any dashes or dots or whatever.
If you want to show all articles, regardless of the date, you can
add ?mode=hacker
to the URL. That will let you access all articles.
Please reach out via Twitter or GitHub if you have any questions :)