Converts JBehave grammar to Gherkin for use by Cucumber, SpecFlow, Behat or behave.
Download a the release JAR with all dependencies or the standalone release JAR.
JBehave to Gherkin is a Java application which reads a JBehave story from stdin, and writes a Gherkin feature to stdout, which means it works well with redirects and pipes.
$ java -jar jbehave-to-gherkin.jar < example.story > example.feature
The following example shows the expected output for a sample story.
Gherkin feature description
In order to use Cucumber
As a business analyst
I want to convert my JBehave to Gherkin
Given I am a before step
Scenario: Gherkin scenario description
Given I have some JBehave stories
|Larry|Stooge 3|
|Moe|Stooge 1|
|Curly|Stooge 2|
When I execute jbehave-to-gherkin
Then I should have Gherkin features
Scenario: Second scenario
@author Joe Bloggs
Given a [precondition] has occurred
When an action is performed
Then a [postcondition] should occur
Feature: Gherkin feature description
In order to use Cucumber
As a business analyst
I want to convert my JBehave to Gherkin
Given I am a before step
Scenario: Gherkin scenario description
Given I have some JBehave stories
| name | rank |
| Larry | Stooge 3 |
| Moe | Stooge 1 |
| Curly | Stooge 2 |
When I execute jbehave-to-gherkin
Then I should have Gherkin features
Scenario Outline: Second scenario
Given a [precondition] has occurred
When an action is performed
Then a [postcondition] should occur
| precondition | postcondition |
| foo | bar |
There is no support for After steps or GivenStories from JBehave, as there is no corresponding keyword in Gherkin. Furthermore, Meta values are concatenated and converted to lowercase, so that "@name Foo Bar" in JBehave becomes "@name-foo-bar" in Gherkin.
There is also no support for the But step definition or DocStrings in Gherkin, as there is no corresponding structure in the JBehave grammar.