This project is both a playground for experimenting with type theory, and a reference for how one can implement a functional programming language compiler in Rust.
PROG ::= FUN* EXP # Program
EXP ::= NAME # Variable
| LIT # Literal
| λ VAR . EXP # Abstraction
| EXP EXP # Application
| let NAME = EXP in EXP # Let-binding
| ( EXP ) # Parenthesized
LIT ::= INT # Integer
| BOOL # Boolean
| STR # String
FUN ::= NAME :: ( ∀ NAME* . )? TYPE # Function
TYPE ::= TYPE → TYPE # Function type
| NAME # Nominal
| ( TYPE ) # Parenthesized
You can run the examples as follows:
cargo run --example=end-to-end
- :: (int → int)
+ :: (int → (int → int))
Inferred type: int
Inferred type: str
Inferred type: bool
((+ 1) 2)
Inferred type: int
((+ true) false)
Error: Cannot unify `int` with `bool`
let id = λx.(x x) in id
Error: `'t0` and `('t0 → 't1)` are recursive
Planned/finished features are:
- Lexing (regex)
- Parsing (LALRPOP)
- Alpha conversion (De-Brujin Indices)
- Bi-directional type inference (Hindley-Milner, Algorithm W)
- Type classes