This is a group project we did at the Futureproof bootcamp. The aim was to create a quiz web app that retrieved its questions from the Open Trivia API.
Aaron (@AaronM97) | Lauren (@Yynx) | Christopher (@seekingcode18)
- As a user, when I want to play a quiz, I need an interface that gives me a quiz
- As a user, when I want to play a particular quiz category, I should be able to choose from a list of categories
- As a user, when I want a certain level of difficulty on my quiz, I should be able to choose how difficult it is
- As a user, when I click a answer, it should tell me if I was right or wrong (via colour green for correct/red for wrong)
- As a user, so I can get the next question, I want to click a button to do this
- As a user, when I play the quiz, I should be able to track what question I am on
- As a user, when I play the quiz, I want to be able to play against a friend
- As a user, when I finish the quiz, at the end of the quiz it should tell me my score
- As a user, when if I play with a friend, at the end of the quiz it should tell me who has won the quiz
- As a user, if I want to abandon my quiz, I can redirect back to the homepage to start a new one
- Landing page: a page where you are able to set up your test
- Quiz page: a page which shows the question and a set of answers
- Results page: A page which shows the result of quiz
- Daily standups
- Planning & replanning
- Coding
- Bug fixing & testing
- JavaScript
- React / React Router DOM
- Git / Github
- Enzyme / Jest
This was an enjoyable project that allowed us to become more confident in using APIs and making single page React applications. We also learn how to implement tests for a React project.
If we had more time, we would have sought to:
- add the option of a 2nd human player (either as a split screen or alternating screens)
- add user authentication / login
- implement high score feature
- increase test coverage from 60% to at least 80%