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SecureSign Setup Guide

This guide is a community collaboration effort to setup on-premise (self-hosted) latest Signal App backend.

Original discussion is in this Forum: Guide - Deploy Signal Server v2.xx + CDS + SGX

Signal™ is a trademark of Quiet Riddle Ventures LLC. The SecureSign projects are not affliated with, Signal Messenger LLC, nor Signal Foundation.

Environment assumpted:

  1. Ubuntu 18.04
  2. Intel Processor with SGX enabled
  3. You are able to enable SGX in BIOS

Guide parts:

  1. Setup SGX Driver
  2. Setup SGX PSW
  3. Setup Signal CDS (Contact Discovery Service)
  4. Setup Signal Server
  5. Setup Signal Android
  6. Setup Signal iOS

Setup SGX Driver

First, you need to clone linux-sgx-driver repository to your computer:

git clone

Change directory to local repository:

cd linux-sgx-driver

Then you need to use sgx2 branch:

git chekcout sgx2

You can follow guide provided in the repository: Build and Install the Intel(R) SGX Driver

But I will provide example to build and install in Ubuntu 18.04, maybe it will be useful for you to get the general idea.

Check if matching kernel headers are installed:

$ dpkg-query -s linux-headers-$(uname -r)

To install matching headers:

$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Build the driver from source code:

$ make

To install the Intel(R) SGX driver, enter the following command with root privilege:

$ sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx"    
$ sudo cp isgx.ko "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx"    
$ sudo sh -c "cat /etc/modules | grep -Fxq isgx || echo isgx >> /etc/modules"    
$ sudo /sbin/depmod
$ sudo /sbin/modprobe isgx


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Setup Signal CDS (Contact Discovery Service)

You can see sample of YML configuration file for Signal CDS: config-signal-cds.yml

spid is "Service Provider ID" assigned by Intel for you. You can get it by sign-up for an Intel account, and start service subscription in Intel's SGX self-service portal

Then you will need X.590 certificate and RSA private key. You can generate one by using this command:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365

Please check your server.key file value, is it started with string below:


If so, we need to convert the key in PKCS#8 format to old PKCS#1, format expected by the CDS program using this command:

openssl rsa -in server.key -out server_new.key

Copy-and-paste value of server.crt to certificate field inside YML configuration file. For key field, you need to copy value from server.key or server_new.key which started with string below:


Then please build your enclave using this command:

make -C <repository_root>/enclave

It will place a file (your compiled CDS SGX enclave) inside this directory:


Your SGX enclave binary file will be named 64-chars long, with ".so" suffix like this:


Please copy the 64-chars file name (without the ".so") to mrenclave field in YML file.

Setup Signal Server

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Setup Signal Android

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Setup Signal iOS

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