CAUTION: make sure no application is listening on port 8080 before running this command, or change the port in the following commands!
docker pull apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin && docker run -d --name esde-vaadin-tmp apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin:latest && docker cp esde-vaadin-tmp:usr/app/ vaadin-workshop && docker stop esde-vaadin-tmp && docker rm esde-vaadin-tmp && cd vaadin-workshop && docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v .:/usr/app --name esde-vaadin apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin:latest
sudo docker pull apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin && sudo docker run -d --name esde-vaadin-tmp apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin:latest
mkdir vaadin-workshop && mkdir vaadin-workshop/app
sudo docker cp esde-vaadin-tmp:usr/app/ vaadin-workshop && sudo docker stop esde-vaadin-tmp && sudo docker rm esde-vaadin-tmp
cd vaadin-workshop/app && sudo docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v ./:/usr/app --name esde-vaadin apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin:latest
This command will pull our esde workshop image. Afterwards it will create a temporary container, and copy the sources into the vaadin-workshop folder. Afterwards the temporary Container will be stopped and removed. Then the proper vaadin container will be created with the correct directory mounted, and the ports forwarded.
Now your container called esde-vaadin
is up and running and you can access the website by accessing localhost:8080 in your browser.
Once The docker Container is running, and you have changes, which you want to run you can use the following command:
docker exec esde-vaadin mvn compile
This will compile the changed source files, and will cause vaadin to perform a live reload
After vaadin has automatically restarted, you can refresh your browser and the changes will be visible Note: This might take a minute
Pull the image with the following command
docker pull apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin-demo
Run the Container with the following command
docker run -p 8081:8080 --name esde-vaadin-demo apavlitschenko/esde-vaadin-demo:latest
Now your container called esde-vaadin-demo
is up and running and you can access the website by accessing localhost:8081 in your browser.