Simulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics - A python package for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in the context of geophysical applications.
The vision is to create a package for finite volume simulation with applications to geophysical imaging and subsurface flow. To enable the understanding of the many different components, this package has the following features:
- modular with respect to the spacial discretization, optimization routine, and geophysical problem
- built with the inverse problem in mind
- provides a framework for geophysical and hydrogeologic problems
- supports 1D, 2D and 3D problems
- designed for large-scale inversions
You are welcome to join our forum and engage with people who use and develop SimPEG at:
Weekly meetings are open to all. They are generally held on Wednesdays at 10:30am PDT. Please see the calendar (GCAL, ICAL) for information on the next meeting.
Working towards all the Geophysics, but Backwards - SciPy 2016
There is a paper about SimPEG!
Cockett, R., Kang, S., Heagy, L. J., Pidlisecky, A., & Oldenburg, D. W. (2015). SimPEG: An open source framework for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in geophysical applications. Computers & Geosciences.
@article{cockett2015simpeg, title={SimPEG: An open source framework for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in geophysical applications}, author={Cockett, Rowan and Kang, Seogi and Heagy, Lindsey J and Pidlisecky, Adam and Oldenburg, Douglas W}, journal={Computers \& Geosciences}, year={2015}, publisher={Elsevier} }
If you are using the electromagnetics module of SimPEG, please cite:
Lindsey J. Heagy, Rowan Cockett, Seogi Kang, Gudni K. Rosenkjaer, Douglas W. Oldenburg, A framework for simulation and inversion in electromagnetics, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 107, 2017, Pages 1-19, ISSN 0098-3004,
@article{heagy2017, title= "A framework for simulation and inversion in electromagnetics", author= "Lindsey J. Heagy and Rowan Cockett and Seogi Kang and Gudni K. Rosenkjaer and Douglas W. Oldenburg", journal= "Computers & Geosciences", volume = "107", pages = "1 - 19", year = "2017", note = "", issn = "0098-3004", doi = "" }
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