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Releases: sebastienwindal/FRDLivelyButton

Bug fixes, content inset and kCAMediaTimingFunctionDefault

17 Jul 20:39
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  • crash that could happen if animation was running on dealloc'ed button
  • merge pull request from ehlersd, content inset support in the button.
  • Changed all timing functions to kCAMediaTimingFunctionDefault instead of the linear or easeInOut I was using. In iOS7, the button transition and highlight/unhighlight animations are now using the more natural spring animation used throughout the OS.

Switched names of up/down caret.

11 Mar 03:26
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bumping up version

Demo project cleanup

06 Mar 13:38
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The demo was using copy of the control files, and as a result, latest release 1.1.0 changes only made it to the files in the demo project. Cleaned that up.

More button types & iOS 6.1 support

06 Mar 03:15
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6 new button types: up, down, left and right caret ; left and right arrow

fix for nszombie crash

03 Mar 01:47
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Crashed caused by double release of a CGPath in unhighlight code.


26 Feb 05:45
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updated version 1.0.0 with matching tag.