The models in this repo can be used from Keras directly.
The only difference is that Keras implementation already includes preprocessing.
from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet_rs import ResNetRS50 import ResNetRS50
I am archiving this repository as the maintenance overhead, for a duplicated functionality is not worth it.
You can still use this repository if you like it, but if something breaks due to Tensorflow/Keras update I probably won't be able to dedicate my time to fix it.
This is a package with ResNet-RS models adapted to Tensorflow/Keras.
ResNet-RS models are updated versions of ResNet models - Arxiv Link
The model's weights are converted from original repository.
The design was meant to mimic the usage of keras.applications
!pip install git+
# Import package:
from resnet_rs import ResNetRS50
import tensorflow as tf
# Use model directly:
model = ResNetRS50(weights='imagenet', input_shape=(224, 224, 3))
# Or to extract features / fine tune:
backbone = ResNetRS50(
input_shape=(224,224, 3),
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) # 10 = num classes
You can fine tune these models, just like other Keras models.
For end-to-end fine-tuning and conversion examples check out the Colab Notebook.
There are multiple ways to install.
The only requirements are Tensorflow 2.4+ and Python 3.6+.
pip install git+
git clone
cd resnet-rs-keras
pip install .
If you do not want to install you could just drop the resnet_rs/
directory directly into your project.
You can also install this package as an extension to official Tensorflow docker container:
Build: docker build -t resnet_rs_keras .
Run: docker run -it --rm resnet_rs_keras
For GPU support or different TAG you can (for example) pass
--build-arg IMAGE_TAG=2.5.0-gpu
in build command.
If all goes well you should be able to import:
from resnet_rs import *
There are 7 model variants you can use, with the following depths:
ResNetRS[50, 101, 152, 200, 270, 350, 420]
The imagenet weights are automatically downloaded if you pass weights="imagenet"
option while creating the models.
Note: for a single depth, sometimes multiple weight variants have been released, depending on the input shape the network has been trained with. By default the highest input shape weights are downloaded as they yield the best accuracy.
As of writing this repository the following weight variants are available:
50: [160],
101: [160, 192],
152: [192, 224, 256],
200: [256],
270: [256],
350: [256, 320],
420: [320],
To pick a specific weight variant (instead of default / highest) pass, imagenet-i<shape>
as a weight argument.
For example, to create ResNetRS152, with weights trained with 224 input shape, run:
model = ResNetRS152(weights="imagenet-i224")
Weights are input shape agnostic. You can create a model with different input shape than what it was trained with:
# Trained with 320x320
# Now has 224x224
model = ResNetRS350(weights="imagenet-i320", input_shape=(224, 224, 3))
By default, it is suggested to use shape 224x224.
The models expect image, normalized with Imagenet's mean and stddev:
import tensorflow as tf
mean_rgb = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
stddev_rgb = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
def preprocess(image): # input image is in range 0-255.
image = image / 255.
image -= tf.constant(mean_rgb, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=image.dtype)
image /= tf.constant(stddev_rgb, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=image.dtype)
return image
Or you can use Preprocessing Layer:
from resnet_rs import get_preprocessing_layer
layer = get_preprocessing_layer()
inputs = layer(image)
For fine-tuning example, check out the Colab Notebook.
The models are TFLite compatible. You can convert them like any other Keras model:
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
with open("resnet_rs.tflite", "wb") as file:
The models are ONNX compatible. For ONNX Conversion you can use tf2onnx package:
!pip install tf2onnx==1.8.4
# Save the model in TF's Saved Model format:"my_saved_model/")
# Convert:
!python -m tf2onnx.convert \
--saved-model my_saved_model/ \
--output resnet_rs.onnx
The original weights are present in the original repository
in the form of ckpt
files. I converted the weights to Keras .h5
format so it's
easier to use with Tensorflow/Keras API.
The converted weights are on this repository's GitHub. If, for some reason, you wish to download and convert original weights yourself, I prepared the utility scripts:
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
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