Adds try/catch support for Swift.
Simple wrapper built around Objective-C @try
Note: This repository was originally forked from and updated to work with Swift 2.0, since the original API conflicted with new try/catch keywords introduced by new Swift version.
To use this specific repository version of SwiftTryCatch add it to your Package.swift manifest.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourModule",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 1),
To use this specific repository version of SwiftTryCatch use the following pod definition:
pod 'SwiftTryCatch', :git => ''
This will use the podspec from this forked repository with the API signature changes.
- When prompted with "Would you like to configure an Obj-C bridging header?", press "Yes".
- Go to bridging header and add:
#import "SwiftTryCatch.h"
// try something
}, catchBlock: { (error) in
}, finallyBlock: {
// close resources