I'm Sean, an Information Systems Student at SMU and aspiring full-stack engineer. I love solving problems using human-centric technology, and programming/developing is one of the most fulfilling ways I've found to do just that.
- teleSchedule: A telegram bot that enables sending of recurring weekly messages: great for reminders, standard announcements. Built with Typescript, Node.js, node-telegram-bot, BullMQ, and Redis. Dockerised for portability.
- Faci-Cards (currently WIP): I'm building a SaaS-style app to allow facilitators to create vibrant picture cards which they can use to spark conversations. I'm building using Shad-cn, Next.js, Bun.js, Drizzle ORM.
- MAT102 Experiments: contains some experiments I did for my own exploration and fun, to see if I could use code to represent some of the mathematical concepts I learned in my MAT102: Introduction to Mathematical Proofs course during my exchange program in the University of Toronto Mississauga.
- Ticket Marketplace: As part of a course on Object Oriented Programming in year 2, 5 other students and I developed a ticket booking portal for concerts and sporting events. We used Java, Spring Boot to for a REST API backend, following a controller-service-repository-model architecture, and created a frontend using Vue.
- Medical Appointment Booking Platform: As part of our Enterprise Solution Development module, our team of 6 created a medical appointment booking app to enable patients to easily book appointments with primary care physicians in their area. We utilised a service-oriented architecture, with containerised simple and complex microservices. Our stack consisted of Flask APIs on Python, Hono APIs on Typescript, and both HTTP and AMQP for IPC. We also implemented a Kong API gateway over the services.
- Internal HR Management Portal: As part of our Software Project Managment course, our team of 5 created a HR managment for posting, editing internal job profiles and allowing for internal job applications. We followed Scrum methodology closely while developing the App, as the course was focused not merely on the product but also the development process. The app is built on React, Flask, and MySQL.
- Languages: Python, Typescript, Java, Haskell, C, Go, Racket, PHP
- Frontend frameworks: React.js, Next.js, Vue.js
- Backend frameworks: Spring/Spring Boot, Flask, Express.js, Hono, Django
- Data Science: Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, Hyperopt, Pandas, MLFlow
- Runtimes: Node.js, Bun.js
- Databases: Firebase, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Misc: Vim Motions