Seamless automates the deployment process from push to Prod
Seamless' user interface is built with React, React Router, Tailwind TypeScript, Zod and Vite.
To use the Seamless's Dashboard User Interface the Seamless Infrastructure must first be provisioned. You can visit the seamless-infrastructure repository to complete this step if needed. Once set up is completed Seamless's CLI tool will provide you with a URL for your Dashboard.
First authenticate and login using GitHub to access Seamless's Dashboard.
After login you will have access to the navigation bar. First, setup a pipeline and after set up the services that will use that pipeline.
Once Services have been setup they can be monitored. The Services item in the navigation bar will allow the user to monitor the Service on different levels moving down through the Runs, Stages and Logs.
At each step you can use Seamless's intuitive interface to anaylze the progress of the code change as it moves through the pipeline. The real time updates for the runs, stages and logs will allow for quick troubleshooting should an error occur.
Jason Wang Software Engineer • Los Angeles, CA
Ethan Weiner Software Engineer • Boston, MA
Ryan DeJonghe Software Engineer • Denver, CO