This is an open-source project that aims to simulate the functionality of the Intel 8085 microprocessor in a software environment. The program is written in C++ and provides a simple interface for users to interact with the virtual machine.
To use the Intel 8085 Virtual Emulator, you need to have a C++ compiler installed on your system. You can use any compiler that supports C++11 or higher. We recommend using GCC or Clang for best results.
To compile the program, simply run the following command in your terminal:
g++ -std=c++11 8085.cpp -o 8085
This will compile the program and generate an executable file named 8085
To run the Intel 8085 Virtual Emulator, simply execute the 8085
file in your terminal:
This will start the program and initialize the virtual machine. The program will then enter into an infinite loop and wait for user input.
When you run the code in the compiler, you will see the line _STUDENT_85, and the code will begin processing using the memory location specified by the variable M. Once you enter a value for the location, you will see the contents of that memory location displayed as M(your location value): (previous data) - (new data that you can enter). To add a value to a different memory location, press the 'Enter' key. To stop the program, enter 'EF'. To close the program, enter '$'. To execute the program, enter G(location value). To view the contents of the registers, enter R and press the 'Enter' key.
The program supports the following commands:
- 'M' or 'm': Modify memory contents
- 'R' or 'r': Modify register contents
- 'G' or 'g': Execute the program starting from a particular memory location
To modify the contents of memory, enter 'M' or 'm' followed by the memory location you want to modify. The program will then prompt you to enter the new value for that memory location.
If the memory location you enter is invalid, the program will report an error and prompt you to try again.
To modify the contents of registers, enter 'R' or 'r' followed by the register you want to modify. The program will then prompt you to enter the new value for that register.
If the register you enter is invalid, the program will report an error and prompt you to try again.
To execute the program, enter 'G' or 'g' followed by the memory location you want to start executing from. The program will then execute the program starting from that memory location.
If the memory location you enter is invalid, the program will report an error and prompt you to try again.
The program uses error handling to detect and report various errors such as unrecognized memory locations or registers, exceeded memory locations, wrong opcodes, and unrecognized inputs.
If an error is detected, the program will report the error code and prompt you to try again.
We welcome contributions from the community! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.
If you want to contribute code to the project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.