This package let you create entities with schema validation based on React PropTypes.
$ npm install speck-entity
const Joi = require('joi')
const joiAdapter = require('validatorAdapters')('joi', Joi)
const Speck = require('speck-entity')
class MyEntity extends Speck {
static SCHEMA = {
field: joiAdapter(Joi.string()),
otherField: {
validator: joiAdapter(Joi.number()),
defaultValue: 10
class FatherEntity extends Speck {
static SCHEMA = {
children: {
validator: joiAdapter(Joi.array().items(Joi.object().type(MyEntity)))
type: MyEntity
const niceInstance = new MyEntity();
console.log(niceInstance.toJSON()); // { field: undefined, otherField: 10 }
console.log(niceInstance.errors); // {}
const buggedInstance = new MyEntity({ field: 10, otherField: 'value' });
console.log(buggedInstance.toJSON()); // { field: 10, otherField: 'value' }
console.log(buggedInstance.errors); /* or buggedInstance.getErrors() -- but... getErrors also includes children errors
field: {
errors: [ 'Invalid undefined `field` of type `number` supplied to `MyEntityEntity`, expected `string`.' ]
otherField: {
errors: [ 'Invalid undefined `otherField` of type `string` supplied to `MyEntityEntity`, expected `number`.' ]
const otherInstance = new MyEntity({ field: 'myString' });
console.log(otherInstance.errors); // {}
console.log(otherInstance.valid); // true
otherInstance.field = 1;
console.log(otherInstance.errors); // {field: { errors: [ 'Invalid undefined `field` of type `number` supplied to `MyEntityEntity`, expected `string`.' ] }}
console.log(otherInstance.valid); // false
const fatherInstance = new FatherEntity({
children: [{
field: 'A',
otherField: 2
}, {
field: 'B',
otherField: 3
console.log(fatherInstance.children[0]); //An instance of MyEntity
//{ field: 'B', otherField: 3 }
When you need to create objects with custom verification like
const elementList = {
elements: [{
type: 'product',
name: true,
price: true
}, {
type: 'default',
isDefault: true
In such cases you can define a builder as follows:
class ElementList extends Speck {}
ElementList.SCHEMA = {
elements: {
validator: noop,
builder: (dataList, Type, dependencies) => => {
if (data.type === 'product') return new ProductEntity(data, dependencies);
if (data.type === 'default') return new FakeEntityWithBoolean(data);
And use it like:
new ElementList(elementList, someDependency)
(note that you can pass custom dependencies to your child entities and latter access them on the builder)
By defining builder you tell Speck Entity that you take the responsibility of instansitating and returning a new object of the type which suits you the best. This is a powerful concept as it lets users dynamically create new types on the fly.
const anotherInstance = new MyEntity({ field: 'myString', fake: 'fake' });
console.log(anotherInstance.toJSON()); // { field: 'myString', otherField: 10 }
To understand the validators React PropTypes
- Create helpers for relationships validations(Like, mininum, maximum)
- Create identifier and equal comparison
- Type builders and/or custom builders are not being applied on instance setters
class FakeEntityWithExcludeContext extends Speck {
static SCHEMA = {
id: joiAdapter(Joi.number().required()),
requiredProp1: joiAdapter(Joi.number().required()),
requiredProp2: joiAdapter(Joi.number().required()),
requiredProp3: joiAdapter(Joi.number().required())
static CONTEXTS = {
create: { exclude: [ 'requiredProp2', 'requiredProp3' ] },
edit: { include: [ 'id', 'requiredProp1', 'requiredProp2' ] },
onlyId: { include: [ 'id' ] }
const myEntity = new FakeEntityWithIncludeContext({ id: 1 });
const contextCreate = myEntity.validateContext('create');
console.log(contextCreate.errors); // { requiredProp1: { errors: [ ... ] } }
console.log(contextCreate.valid); // false
const contextEdit = myEntity.validateContext('edit');
console.log(contextEdit.errors); // { requiredProp1: { errors: [ ... ] }, requiredProp2: { errors: [ ... ] } }
console.log(contextEdit.valid); // false
const contextOnlyId = myEntity.validateContext('onlyId')
console.log(contextOnlyId.errors); // {}
console.log(contextOnlyId.valid); // true
Each context (create and edit in example above), could have include property OR exclude, the include property receives the properties that will be validated in this context, and the exclude property represents the properties that will be ignored on validation.
In the example, the create context, will only check the 'requiredProp1' and 'requiredProp2' fields, and the edit context will check 'requiredProp1', 'requiredProp2' and 'id' properties.
You can't combine include and exclude in the same context definition
##Custom validation You can validate your entity adding the property in fields and setting the new validator
class Entity extends Speck {
static SCHEMA = {
id: joiAdapter(Joi.number().required()),
requiredProp1: joiAdapter(Joi.number().required())
static CONTEXTS = {
create: {
fields: {
requiredProp1: (obj, field) => {
if(obj[field] === -1) return new Error('Error -1');
const entity = new Entity({
id: 1,
requiredProp1: -1
const contextValidated = entity.validateContext('create');
console.log(entity.errors.requiredProp1); // undefined
console.log(contextValidated.requiredProp1); // { errors: [Error: Error -1] }
class EntityWithHook extends Speck {
static SCHEMA = {
fieldWithHook: {
validator: joiAdapter(Joi.number()),
hooks: {
afterSet(data, fieldName) {
// data is the whole data of the instance
// fieldName the current fieldName
anotherFieldWithHook: {
validator: joiAdapter(Joi.number()),
hooks: {
afterSet(data, fieldName) {
return { anotherField: data[fieldName] * 2 } // if the afterSet hook returns an object is merged to data
anotherField: joiAdapter(Joi.number()),
const myEntity = new EntityWithHook({ fieldWithHook: 'foo', anotherFieldWithHook: 'bar', anotherField: null });
myEntity.anotherFieldWithHook = 10 //according to the after set hook anotherField newValue will be 20