ScreeSS is a high level stylesheet language that compiles down to a Mapbox GL style object. It features a clean CSS-like syntax and powerful macro system.
To install ScreeSS, you must have node
and npm
installed on your system.
Installation is via npm
npm install -g screess
Create a layer called "water"
#water { }
Set the layer's source.
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
Set the layer's type.
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
type: fill
You can add filters to the layer using a natural syntax
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: "fill"
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
Properties of the object being filtered or styled are prefixed with an @
, as in @area
above. Supported operators in filters are
- comparison operators (
) - typechecking operator (
is line
,is polygon
,is point
) - boolean logic operators (
Don't worry about top-level vs layout vs paint properties -- they will be differentiated automatically by the compiler.
Style the layer with paint properties. Available paint properties depend on the layer type
and documented in the Mapbox GL style spec
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: #2491dd
Operators work almost everywhere! Order of operations should work as expected.
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: #2491dd
fill-translate: ((5 + 2) / 17) 3 * 5
Function values are created using the special function
value macro
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: function(0:#2491dd, 10:#196499)
fill-translate: ((5 + 2) / 17) 3 * 5
You may create if
blocks and for
blocks in your stylesheet to factor out structure. The below example also demonstrates using map objects and unnamed layers.
lake-types = {
small: {area-min: 0 area-max: 1000 color: #2491dd}
medium: {area-min: 1000 area-max: 10000 color: #1d73b0}
large: {area-min: 10000 area-max: null color: #196499}
for lake-type in lake-types {
# {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: @area > lake-type.area-min && (lake-type.area-max == null || @area <= lake-type.area-max)
fill-color: lake-type.color
Values may be reused by assigning them to value macros
color-water = #2491dd
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: color-water
Value macros may take any number of arguments and invoke other value macros
color-water(depth) = darken(#2491dd, depth)
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: color-water(0.5)
Arguments to value macros may be optional
color-water(depth = 0) = darken(#2491dd, depth)
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: color-water
Arguments to value macros may be either named or positional, a la Python.
color-water(depth = 0) = darken(#2491dd, depth)
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000
fill-color: color-water(depth: 0.5)
Built-in macros include
hsv(h, s, v)
hsva(h, s, v, a)
hsl(h, s, l)
hsla(h, s, l, a)
rgb(r, g, b)
rgba(r, g, b, a)
function(base, ...)
range(start, stop, step = 1)
Sets of properties may be reused by assigning them to a property macro
fill-water(depth) = {
color = darken(#2491dd, depth)
fill-color: color
fill-antialias: true
fill-outline-color: darken(color, 0.1)
#water {
source: source(
type: vector
url: "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5"
layer: "water"
type: fill
filter: is polygon && @area > 1000