In this repository you will find a variety of Scramjet Sequences. Some of them constitute the basis for BDD tests located in the transform-hub repository.
You can download apps from the releases page.
Initial history was imported from repository.
Create your package either in js
or python
directory. Add all necessary files. Include scripts in the package.json
- for
"scripts": {
"build:refapps": "node ../../scripts/build-all.js",
"postbuild:refapps": "yarn packseq",
"packseq": "PACKAGES_DIR=ts node ../../scripts/packsequence.js",
"clean": "rm -rf ./dist"
- for
"scripts": {
"build:refapps": "build:refapps:only",
"build:refapps:only": "mkdir -p dist/ && cp -r *.js package.json dist/ && (cd dist && npm i --omit=dev)",
"postbuild:refapps": "yarn packseq",
"packseq": "PACKAGES_DIR=js node ../../scripts/packsequence.js",
"clean": "rm -rf ./dist"
- for
"scripts": {
"build:refapps": "yarn build:refapps:only",
"build:refapps:only": "mkdir -p dist/__pypackages__/ && cp *.py dist/ && pip3 install -t dist/__pypackages__/ -r requirements.txt",
"postbuild:refapps": "yarn packseq",
"packseq": "PACKAGES_DIR=python node ../../scripts/packsequence.js",
"clean": "rm -rf ./dist"
To make sure your package build process runs correctly alongside other sequence packages go to the root and:
- install dependencies:
- build all packages and create
yarn build
Release is needed if you wish your new Sequence to be available for downloading.
It is recommended to perform a release every time a new Sequence is added.
To perform a release:
- go to
branch and update:
git checkout main && git pull
- make sure build runs correctly locally:
yarn clean && yarn && yarn build
- create a new tag on the last commit (branch
), e.g.:
git tag -a v0.25.3 753d38689e5e7d89e2d9e3bf40b9693f5861830d -m "v0.25.3"
- push it to remote:
git push origin v0.25.3
Release will be triggered automatically. You can observe it in Actions. After this process is complete without any errors, you will see your new Sequence in a .tar.gz
format ready to to download from the Release's Assets
❗IMPORTANT❗ transform-hub BDD tests use the versions of Sequence released in the most recent reference-apps release.