This extension is not compatible with the new BGG site. It's been great fun, but I think it's time to say goodbye. is a great website, and since I spend so much time there, I thoguht I should tweak some things that I felt were missing.
Note: Each of the tweaks below is configurable, so you can disable each one you don't use.
When there's only once search result, why bother even looking at the results page? So it opens that single item automatically.
I like looking for games by "play time" or "number of players". So I made it so that the search results show that, and the default columns.
I have a lot of subscriptions that are geeklists and as such, the updates to them are scattered about the page. I got tired looking for "red borders", so I added a couple of buttons in the upper-right corner that let you jump among them.
You can install it from the Google Chrome webstore at