A simple route-based ACL component for express.js. This won't handle actual authentication, you can use everyauth for that.
npm install ability
This assumes you have, in your everyauth setup, a field called "role" (customizable, see below). For example, if you're using facebook:
everyauth.facebook.extractExtraRegistrationParams( function (req) {
return {
role: "some default role"
Obviously this doesn't make much sense without persistence, so you can change the roles, but you can achieve that with mongoose-auth or a custom solution.
If you have everyauth working in an expressjs app, all you have to do to your app.js is add the following
abilities = {
editor: {
index: ['read'],
protected: ['read']
default: {
index: ['read'],
var ability = require('ability');
This is route-based, and assumes you're going to have 2 routes, app.get /protected
and app.get /
Note: You must specify a 'default'.
Then, in the route:
app.get('/protected', function(req, res) {
This will check to see if the user is authorized based on the setup above. According to the above setup, an un-authenticated user would not be authorized for this route.
Optionally, you can specify the action and route:
app.get('/protected', function(req, res) {
authorize('read', 'index');
Even further, you can specify the role you want to check
app.get('/protected', function(req, res) {
authorize('read', 'index', 'default');
###Route translations:
On the routes, you may specify one of 4 options, 'read', 'write', 'delete', or 'all'.
- Read -> Get
- Write -> Put/post
- Delete -> Delete
- All -> Read/Write/Delete
###View helpers
In jade:
p= able.to('read', 'protected')
<%- able.to('read', 'protected')>
ability = require('ability');
redirect: true,
role_name: role,
redirect_to: '/',
redirect_message: 'Unauthorized'
redirect, whether or not to redirect to the user if they're not authorized. By default, it will redirect a user to the home page if they're not authorized, without a flash.
redirect_to, where to redirect the user if authentication fails
redirect_message, if you're using req.flash, it will put the messages in there
role_name, the name of the everyauth field for your role (everyauth only)
- Change helpers so you can just go can('read', 'whatever')
- Add customizeable flash message for redirect
- Flesh out tests more