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Scott González edited this page Aug 13, 2013 · 1 revision

browser objects

A common pattern in the API is a "browser object" which is just a plain object with the following properties:

  • browser: The browser name.
  • version: The browser version.

worker objects

Worker objects are extended browser objects which contain the following additional properties:

  • id: The worker id.
  • status: A string representing the current status of the worker.
    • Possible statuses: "running", "queue".

BrowserStack.createClient( settings )

Creates a new client instance.

  • settings: A hash of settings that apply to all requests for the new client.
    • username: The username for the BrowserStack account.
    • password: The password for the BrowserStack account.
    • version (optional; default: 3): Which version of the BrowserStack API to use.
    • server (optional; default: { host: "", port: 80 }): An object containing host and port to connect to a different BrowserStack API compatible service.

client.getBrowsers( callback )

Gets the list of available browsers.

  • callback (function( error, browsers )): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete.

client.createWorker( settings, callback )

Creates a worker.

  • settings: A hash of settings for the worker (an extended browser object).
    • browser: See browser object for details.
    • version: See browser object for details.
    • url (optional): Which URL to navigate to upon creation.
    • timeout (optional): Maximum life of the worker (in seconds). Use 0 for "forever" (BrowserStack will kill the worker after 1,800 seconds).
  • callback (function( error, worker )): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete.

Note: A special value of "latest" is supported for version, which will use the latest stable version.

client.getWorker( id, callback )

Gets the status of a worker.

  • id: The id of the worker.
  • callback (function( error, worker )): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete.

client.terminateWorker( id, callback )

Terminates an active worker.

  • id: The id of the worker to terminate.
  • callback (function( error, data )): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete.
    • data: An object with a time property indicating how long the worker was alive.

client.getWorkers( callback )

Gets the status of all workers.

  • callback (function( error, workers )): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete.

client.getLatest( browser, callback )

Gets the latest version of a browser.

  • browser: Which browser to get the latest version for. See browser object for details.
  • callback (function( error, version )): A callback to invoke when the version is determined.
    • version: The latest version of the browser.

client.getLatest( callback )

Gets the latest version of all browsers.

  • callback (function( error, versions )): A callback to invoke when the versions are determined.
    • versions: A hash of browser names and versions.