Control munin master, munin node, and munin plugins.
Munin nodes are automatically configured on the master. (Requires puppetdb)
Typical usage:
include munin::master
Installs a munin master, and automatically collects configuration from all munin nodes configured with munin::node.
munin::master::node_definition { 'fqn':
address => $address,
config => ['additional', 'configuration' 'lines'],
The resource title is used as the munin FQN, or "fully qualified name". This defines the node name and group. It is common to use the host's fully qualified domain name, where the domain name will be implicitly used as the node group.
The address is the host name, ip address, or alternate transport used to contact the node.
To add more configuration, specify it as an array for the "config" attribute.
For more information about configuring a munin node definition, see
If you have multiple munin master servers in your infrastructure and want to assign different nodes to different masters, you can specify the master's fully qualified domain name on the node's definition:
munin::master::node_definition { 'fqn':
address => $address,
mastername => 'name.domain.tld',
The munin master class will collect all "munin::master::node_definition" exported by "munin::node".
For extra nodes, you can define them in hiera, and munin::master will create them. Example:
munin::master::node_definition { '':
address => ''
munin::master::node_definition { '':
address => '',
config => [ 'load.graph_future 30',
'load.load.trend yes',
'load.load.predict 86400,12' ],
If you define your nodes as a data structure in a puppet manifest, or from the puppet External Node Classifier, you can use a class parameter:
$nodes = { ... }
class { 'puppet::master':
node_definitions => $nodes,
A JSON definition.
"munin::master::node_definitions" : {
"" : {
"address" : ""
"" : {
"address" : "",
"config" : [
"load.graph_future 30",
"load.load.trend yes",
"load.load.predict 86400,12"
A YAML definition
- load.graph_future 30
- load.load.trend yes
- load.load.predict 86400,12
Typical usage:
include munin::node
Installs munin-node, and exports a munin::master::node_definition which munin::master will collect.
The defined type munin::plugin is used to control the munin plugins used on a munin node.
Typical usage:
munin::plugin { 'cpu':
ensure => link,
Here, we activate an already installed plugin.
The use of "ensure => link" creates an implicit "target => /usr/share/munin/plugins/$title".
munin::plugin {
ensure => link;
ensure => link,
target => 'ip_'; # look in /usr/share/munin/plugins or similar
The use of "ensure => present" creates a file in /etc/munin/plugins
munin::plugin { 'somedaemon':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///munin/plugins/somedaemon',
A pair of plugins we provide, with a _name symlink (This is also known as "wildcard" plugins)
munin::plugin {
ensure => present,
target => 'foo_',
source => 'puppet:///munin/plugins/foo_';
ensure => present,
target => 'foo_',
source => 'puppet:///munin/plugins/foo_';
This creates an additional "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/${title}.conf"
munin::plugin {
ensure => link,
config => 'env.database flumpelump';
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///munin/plugins/thud',
config => ['env.database zotto', 'user root'];
This only adds a plugin configuration file.
munin::plugin { 'slapd':
config => ['env.rootdn cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org'],
config_label => 'slapd_*',