#MGC3130 Sawbrewing
Simple test program for Raspberry, can also be used with a standard serial drive (115200 standard no parity)
Make sure you run the values if using the standard open, the raspberry wiringpi library will take care of it.
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed 115200 -parity
optional using the wiringpi library (set this with cmake options):
#From here:
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
#or here (sometimes down the above one)
wget wget https://git.drogon.net/\?p\=wiringPi\;a\=snapshot\;h\=78b5c323b74de782df58ee558c249e4e4fadd25f\;sf\=tgz -O wiringpi.tar.gz
tar zxf wiringpi.tar.gz
cd wiringpi
#Build make a directory build in the mgc3130 folder and create the makefiles with cmake ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
#run it
./mgc3130 /dev/tty_YOURUSB_THING
you get some output like this:
GestCode=31 TapE DTapW DTapE DTapC
GestCode=3 east-west Flick
GestCode=2 west-east Flick
GestCode=1 garbage
GestCode=1 garbage
GestCode=2 west-east Flick
GestCode=3 east-west Flick