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styled with prettier App suite.

Note: this module is auto published to npm on CircleCI. Only run npm version patch|minor|major and let CI do the rest.

Coding style

Use prettier --single-quote (or npm run format) and:

  • const over let or var whenever possible

Semantic of readOnly and disabled

  • disabled: all controls (delete icon, input etc.) visible but disabled
  • readOnly: do not render any controls

Reporting bugs

Be sure that dependencies are up-to-date. You can run ./ to generate a report.


Be sure that redis is running and that your env variable points to a Cloudant instance (see below).


npm run redis
npm install
npm run init # Note: if you have your DB already setup, use npm run push-db instead

Follow the instructions at to install worker dependencies.

Seeding the app-suite

Automatically with stories (recommended)

See the stories repository.


./node_modules/.bin/librarian register -u <username> -p <password> # Do that for as many users as required
./node_modules/.bin/librarian create-org -u <username> -p <password> -n "<org name>" # Note the double quote if the org name contains spaces or dashes

For convenience you can run:

npm run register

Start the app

  • Production environment:
npm start
  • Development environment:

link what you want (if anything) e.g

(cd ../ui && npm link)
npm link @scipe/ui

then run:

npm run watch

Note: for convenience you can use the ./ script to link common dependencies (you will have to be sure to be up-to-date git wise on those and that the path coded on this script match your installs).

Cloudant (CouchDB 2.x + Clouseau + Dreyfus)

The simplest way to get that up and running locally is to use the cloudant-developer docker container. To do so follow the instruction on:

After installing docker run:

docker pull ibmcom/cloudant-developer

To start the container run:

docker run --detach --volume cloudant:/srv --name cloudant-developer --publish 5984:80 --hostname ibmcom/cloudant-developer

Be sure to set the following environment variable (for instance in your .profile) accordingly (the following default match cloudant defaults).

export COUCH_PROTOCOL=http:
export COUCH_HOST=
export COUCH_PORT=5984

The cloudant dashboard will be available at

To restart the container after quiting Docker, run:

docker restart cloudant-developer

To stop the container and remove any previous one run:

docker rm `docker ps --no-trunc -aq` -f

To view the logs run:

docker logs cloudant-developer

Testing with IE Edge using parallels

Download and install Edge VM from Open

Visual regression tests

on CI

Be sure CIRCLE_TOKEN is set in your .profile.

Visual regression tests are run on CircleCI on each commit (to any branch). To download the result of the test run:

npm run backstop:download # -- <build_num> can be specified (default to `latest`)
npm run backstop:open # this will open a browser

After reviewing the tests,

npm run backstop:approve # use `-- --filter <filename>` to only approve specific images

can be run to selectively approve the new screenshots (next references)

To prevent the testing from being performed on commit, add [ci skip] to the end of the commit message.


To run the test locally:

First be sure that app-suite is properly seeded and run:

npm run start-ci


npm run backstop:test


npm run backstop:kill

kills chrome zombies

data-test attributes

  • data-testid="id": use to target a specific component during testing

  • data-test-ready="true": use to signal that the screen is ready for screenshot (typically used at the top level).

  • data-test-now="true": use to signal that an element renders data sensitive to the value of the current time (break tests). This includes dates and times.

  • data-test-progress="true": use to signal that an element contains progress animation (break tests). This includes spinners.

Proxy user authentication

Create an admin user:

librarian register -u edith -p pass -e [email protected] -r admin

Create a normal user:

librarian register -u peter -p pass -e [email protected]

Create an authentication token for the user you want to login with (e.g. user:peter) from an admin account (e.g. user:edith):

librarian create-authentication-token user:peter -u edith -p pass

Visit /login?proxyAuth=true and enter the token just obtained, you should be redirected to the dasbhoard logged in as user:peter


@scipe/app-suite is dual-licensed under commercial and open source licenses (AGPLv3) based on the intended use case. Contact us to learn which license applies to your use case.