- Docker + Docker-Compose
docker-compose up --build
In order to bootstrap superset you need to migrate the DB and create an initial admin user:
docker-compose exec superset superset db upgrade
docker-compose exec superset superset fab create-admin \
--username admin \
--firstname Admin \
--lastname User \
--email [email protected] \
--password admin
docker-compose exec superset superset init
Before you begin goto http://localhost:9001 using minioadmin / minioadmin
as login and create a Bucket iceberg-warehouse
and an Access Keys. Store the secret for later use.
Assign the policy to allow full access to minio:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Login via http://localhost:9047 and begin creating the inital setup for an admin user. dremioadmin / dremioadmin1
is what I used to pass Dremio password requirement.
To be able to interact with Apache Iceberg, we use Nessie. Goto Data Sources to add a Nessie Catalog.
Quote: "Nessie is a native Apache Iceberg catalog that provides Git-like data management. As a result, data engineering teams can use commits, branches, and tags to be able to experiment on Apache Iceberg tables."
Key | Value |
Name | iceberg |
Nessie endpoint URL | http://nessie:19120/api/v2 |
Nessie authentication type | None |
Key | Value |
AWS root path | /iceberg-warehouse |
AWS access key | minioadmin |
AWS access secret | minioadmin |
Key | Value |
fs.s3a.path.style.access | true |
fs.s3a.endpoint | minio:9000 |
dremio.s3.compat | true |
Encrypt connection | disabled |
Ensure you use the exact values as shown!
git lfs fetch
to fetch data filesbunzip2
the datafiles
Upload the file ./data/TMDB_movie_dataset_v11.csv
into Dremio via UI (475MB)
Enable Extract Column Names
to get the column names from the first row.
Upload ./data/country_codes.csv
to have a list of alpha-2 codes available to join.
Check if your local data is queryable:
SELECT * FROM "@dremioadmin"."TMDB_movie_dataset_v11"
Create a feature branch:
CREATE BRANCH TMDB_movie_dataset_v11 IN iceberg;
Load local CSV into Iceberg
USE BRANCH TMDB_movie_dataset_v11 in iceberg;
CREATE TABLE iceberg.kaggle.TMDB_movie_dataset_v11 AS ( SELECT * FROM "@dremioadmin"."TMDB_movie_dataset_v11" );
Datatype corrected Query
CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(id, 1, 1, 0) AS id,
CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(vote_average, 1, 1, 0) AS vote_average,
CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(vote_count, 1, 1, 0) AS vote_count,
TO_DATE(release_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD', 1) AS release_date,
CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(revenue, 1, 1, 0) AS revenue,
CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(runtime, 1, 1, 0) AS runtime,
cast("adult" as boolean) AS adult,
CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(budget, 1, 1, 0) AS budget,
CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(popularity, 1, 1, 0) AS popularity,
regexp_split(genres, ',\s?', 'ALL', 25) AS genres,
regexp_split(production_companies, ',\s?', 'ALL', 25) AS production_companies,
regexp_split(production_countries, ',\s?', 'ALL', 10) AS production_countries,
regexp_split(spoken_languages, ',\s?', 'ALL', 25) AS spoken_languages,
regexp_split(keywords, ',\s?', 'ALL', 100) AS keywords
iceberg.kaggle."TMDB_movie_dataset_v11" AT BRANCH "TMDB_movie_dataset_v11";
! There appears to be a problem in splitting strings. Last element is cut off. Odd!
Load to another iceberg tables
CREATE TABLE iceberg.kaggle.TMDB_movie_dataset_v11_clean AS (
Merge change back to main
MERGE BRANCH TMDB_movie_dataset_v11 INTO main IN iceberg
(See Setup to ensure DB was migrated and an admin user was created)
Goto http://localhost:8088/
In the upper right. Click on +
>> Data
and Connect Database
On "Supported Databases" select "Dremio"
Use the Connection String: dremio+flight://dremioadmin:dremioadmin1@dremio:32010/?UseEncryption=false