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Project Status: Perpetual WIP  Development is a constant effort and will probably never achieve stability. Project License: MIT  The project is distributed under the MIT license which can be found at the root of the project. Project size

You shall pass ! Probably.

Welcome to the land of silly witticisms and shamelessly stolen, banged up semi-working snippets of obscure code, where lame jokes and dark references run galore.

This repository is a strictly personal collection of loosely coupled, mostly failed experiments and/or thoughts. I try to keep everything filterless, meaning I dump whatever I have in mind at the time of writing, which can range from extremely basic explanation that a 2 year old should already be aware of, to commit messages that would put a sailor to shame. Whatever is written should be taken with a grain of salt.

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” — Albert Einstein

Enough with the poor banter, this here is my meager attempt at keeping my dotfiles up to date in case of catastrophic system failures and following the literate programming paradigm; or simply being an enabler to myself for distro-hopping. Being a sucker for the darker parts of the computer science culture, history, and discipline, I feel this is the perfect opportunity to learn a new paradigm and discover newer, darker corners.

But before you embark on this perilous adventure, it's dangerous to go alone, take this.

  ├── config/                 # User configuration (maps to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME).
  │   ├── alacritty/          # Alacritty configuration.
  │   ├── alsa/               # Alsa configuration.
  │   ├── awesome/            # Awesome Window Manager configuration.
  │   ├── btop/               # Btop system monitor configuration.
  │   ├── gdb/                # GNU debugger configuration.
  │   ├── git/                # Git configuration.
  │   ├── gpg/                # GnuPG configuration.
  │   ├── htop/               # htop configuration.
  │   ├── keepassxc/          # keepassxc configuration.
  │   ├── mpd/                # mpd configuration.
  │   ├── ncmpcpp/            # ncmpcpp configuration.
  │   ├── neovim/             # Neovim configuration.
  │   ├── pueue/              # Pueue configuration.
  │   ├── remmina/            # Remmina configuration.
  │   ├── ssh/                # SSH configuration.
  │   ├── x11/                # X11 configuration.
  │   ├── zellij/             # Zellij configuration.
  │   ├── zsh/                # Zsh configuration.
  │   └── profile             # Shell base profile configuration.
  ├── data/                   # User data (maps to $XDG_DATA_HOME).
  │   ├── remmina/            # Remmina user data.
  │   └── zsh/                # ZSH user data.
  ├── etc/                    # System-wide configuration.
  │   └── xkb/                # Custom keyboard definitions.
  ├── src/                    # Unported, old configuration.