This repository provides a starter template for creating applications using Vue.js and AWS Amplify, emphasizing easy setup for authentication, API, and database capabilities.
This application demonstrates how to use Amplify to handle auth, appsync, and call backend lambda functions. This application has been secured via Amplify auth and is able to call the Amazon Bedrock Api and Google Gemini API.
git clone {repo} {directory} cd {directory} npm install
npx ampx sandbox npm ampx sandbox add API_KEY // Google Gemini API Key npm run dev
aws logs tail /aws/lambda/{functionName} --follow
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.
- Get Google API calls working.
- Add reactivity.
- Pass different prompts to Google LLMs and diplay the results.
- Get Bedrock API calls working.
- Have two buttons able to get responses differently.
- Update Bedrock API to pass the given prompt and respond to properly.
- Pick a common pattern for arranging functions.
- Secure the application to only support logged in users.
- Add support for CDK resoruces and ensure those resources can be accessed from the Amplify stack.
- Pass SQS URL to lambda function via env parameters.
- Create a CDK lambda function that monitors the SQS queue.
- Call a lambda function exposed by a stack. Have processQueueFunction call HelloCdkStack.HelloWorldFunction
- Figure out how to log events from stack lambda functions back to the local console.
- Be able to build GUIs that can call lambda functions and sqs queues exposed by stacks.
aws cloudformation list-stacks --query 'StackSummaries[?StackStatus!=DELETE_COMPLETE
].[StackName]' --output text
LAMBDA_RESOURCES=$(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name $STACK_NAME --query "StackResources[?ResourceType=='AWS::Lambda::Function'].PhysicalResourceId" --output text)
for FUNCTION_NAME in $LAMBDA_RESOURCES do echo "Tailing logs for $FUNCTION_NAME" aws logs tail /aws/lambda/$FUNCTION_NAME --follow & done