Version 2 of this workbook is much more accurate, but I still welcome contributions, ideas etc. Please contribute with pull requests of your own.
How to import Gallery template
# Variables
$AzureRmSubscriptionName = "Your-Subscription-Name"
$RgName = "Workbook-Rg-Name"
$workbookDisplayName = "Azure Inventory"
$workbookSourceId = "Azure Monitor"
$workbookType = "workbook"
$templateUri = ""
$workbookSerializedData = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ""
## Connectivity
# Login first with Connect-AzAccount if not using Cloud Shell
$AzureRmContext = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureRmSubscriptionName | Set-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop
Select-AzSubscription -Name $AzureRmSubscriptionName -Context $AzureRmContext -Force -ErrorAction Stop
## Action
Write-Host "Deploying : $workbookType-$workbookDisplayName in the resource group : $RgName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name $(("$workbookType-$workbookDisplayName").replace(' ', '')) -ResourceGroupName $RgName `
-TemplateUri $TemplateUri `
-workbookDisplayName $workbookDisplayName `
-workbookType $workbookType `
-workbookSourceId $workbookSourceId `
-Confirm -ErrorAction Stop