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Merge pull request #371 from sjrd/maybe-lazy-classpaths
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Redesign Classpaths so that they could lazily read their files.
  • Loading branch information
bishabosha authored Oct 31, 2023
2 parents 4d4e7b1 + 97c1bf0 commit f7f540b
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Showing 10 changed files with 278 additions and 176 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ object ClasspathLoaders:
* to create a [[Contexts.Context]]. The latter gives semantic access to all
* the definitions on the classpath.
* @note the resulting [[Classpaths.Classpath.Entry Classpath.Entry]] entries of
* @note the resulting [[Classpaths.ClasspathEntry ClasspathEntry]] entries of
* the returned [[Classpaths.Classpath]] correspond to the elements of `classpath`.
def read(classpath: List[String])(using ExecutionContext): Future[Classpath] =
Expand All @@ -55,28 +55,28 @@ object ClasspathLoaders:

def makeEntry(allFiles: Seq[FileContent]): Classpath.Entry =
def makeEntry(entryDebugPath: String, allFiles: Seq[FileContent]): ClasspathEntry =
val packageDatas = allFiles
.groupMap[String, ClassData | TastyData](_.packagePath) { fileContent =>
.groupMap[String, InMemory.ClassData](_.packagePath) { fileContent =>
val isClassFile =".class")
val binaryName =
if isClassFile then".class")
if isClassFile then ClassData(binaryName, fileContent.debugPath, fileContent.content)
else TastyData(binaryName, fileContent.debugPath, fileContent.content)
if isClassFile then InMemory.ClassData(fileContent.debugPath, binaryName, None, Some(fileContent.content))
else InMemory.ClassData(fileContent.debugPath, binaryName, Some(fileContent.content), None)
.map { (packagePath, classAndTastys) =>
.map { (packagePath, allClassDatas) =>
val packageDebugPath = entryDebugPath + ":" + packagePath
val packageName = packagePath.replace('/', '.').nn
val (classes, tastys) = classAndTastys.partitionMap {
case classData: ClassData => Left(classData)
case tastyData: TastyData => Right(tastyData)
PackageData(packageName, IArray.from(classes.sortBy(_.binaryName)), IArray.from(tastys.sortBy(_.binaryName)))
val mergedClassDatas =
InMemory.PackageData(packageDebugPath, packageName, mergedClassDatas)
InMemory.ClasspathEntry(entryDebugPath, packageDatas)
end makeEntry

for allEntries <- allEntriesFuture yield Classpath(IArray.from(allEntries).map(makeEntry))
for allEntries <- allEntriesFuture yield classpath.lazyZip(allEntries).map(makeEntry(_, _))
end read

private def fromDirectory(dir: String, relPath: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[FileContent]] =
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ import tastyquery.Classpaths.*
object ClasspathLoaders {

private given Ordering[ClassData] =
private given Ordering[TastyData] =
private given Ordering[PackageData] =

private enum FileKind(val ext: String):
case Class extends FileKind("class")
case Tasty extends FileKind("tasty")
Expand All @@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ object ClasspathLoaders {
* to create a [[Contexts.Context]]. The latter gives semantic access to all
* the definitions on the classpath.
* @note the resulting [[Classpaths.Classpath.Entry Classpath.Entry]] entries of
* @note the resulting [[Classpaths.ClasspathEntry ClasspathEntry]] entries of
* the returned [[Classpaths.Classpath]] correspond to the elements of `classpath`.
def read(classpath: List[Path]): Classpath =
Expand All @@ -70,36 +66,40 @@ object ClasspathLoaders {
classFile.replace('/', '.').nn.replace('\\', '.').nn
end binaryName

def compressPackageData(data: List[(String, ClassData | TastyData)]): IArray[PackageData] =
val groupedPackages = IArray.from(data).groupMap((pkg, _) => pkg)((_, data) => data)
val pkgs = { (pkg, classAndTastys) =>
val (classes, tastys) = classAndTastys.partitionMap {
case classData: ClassData => Left(classData)
case tastyData: TastyData => Right(tastyData)
PackageData(pkg, classes.sorted, tastys.sorted)
def compressPackageData(
entryDebugString: String,
data: List[(String, InMemory.ClassData)]
): List[InMemory.PackageData] =
val groupedPackages = data.groupMap((pkg, _) => pkg)((_, data) => data) { (packageName, allClassDatas) =>
val packageDebugString = entryDebugString + ":" + packageName
val mergedClassDatas =
InMemory.PackageData(packageDebugString, packageName, mergedClassDatas)
end compressPackageData

def toEntry(entry: ClasspathEntry): Classpath.Entry =
def toEntry(entryDebugString: String, entry: ClasspathEntryKind): InMemory.ClasspathEntry =
val map = entry.walkFiles(kinds.toSeq*) { (kind, fileWithExt, path, bytes) =>
val (s"$file.${kind.`ext`}") = fileWithExt: @unchecked
val bin = binaryName(file)
val (packageName, simpleName) = classAndPackage(bin)
kind match {
case FileKind.Class =>
packageName -> ClassData(simpleName, path, bytes)
packageName -> InMemory.ClassData(path, simpleName, None, Some(bytes))
case FileKind.Tasty =>
packageName -> TastyData(simpleName, path, bytes)
packageName -> InMemory.ClassData(path, simpleName, Some(bytes), None)
val packageDatas =
compressPackageData(map.get(FileKind.Class).getOrElse(Nil) ++ map.get(FileKind.Tasty).getOrElse(Nil))
val packageDatas: List[InMemory.PackageData] =
map.get(FileKind.Class).getOrElse(Nil) ++ map.get(FileKind.Tasty).getOrElse(Nil)
InMemory.ClasspathEntry(entryDebugString, packageDatas)
end toEntry

end read

private def loadBytes(fileStream: InputStream): IArray[Byte] = {
Expand All @@ -113,16 +113,18 @@ object ClasspathLoaders {

private def classpathToEntries(classpath: List[Path]): IArray[ClasspathEntry] =
for e <- IArray.from(classpath)
if Files.exists(e) then
if Files.isDirectory(e) then ClasspathEntry.Directory(e)
else if e.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".jar") then ClasspathEntry.Jar(e)
else throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal classpath entry: " + e)
else ClasspathEntry.Empty

private enum ClasspathEntry {
private def classpathToEntries(classpath: List[Path]): List[(String, ClasspathEntryKind)] =
for e <- classpath yield
val entryKind =
if Files.exists(e) then
if Files.isDirectory(e) then ClasspathEntryKind.Directory(e)
else if e.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".jar") then ClasspathEntryKind.Jar(e)
else throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal classpath entry: " + e)
else ClasspathEntryKind.Empty
e.toString() -> entryKind
end classpathToEntries

private enum ClasspathEntryKind {
case Jar(path: Path)
case Directory(path: Path)
case Empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ object ClasspathLoaders {

case ClasspathEntry.Empty => Map.empty
case Empty => Map.empty

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207 changes: 136 additions & 71 deletions tasty-query/shared/src/main/scala/tastyquery/Classpaths.scala
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@@ -1,88 +1,153 @@
package tastyquery

/** In-memory representation of the contents of classpaths. */
/** Representation of the contents of classpaths. */
object Classpaths:
/** Contains class data and tasty data for a given package. */
final class PackageData(val dotSeparatedName: String, val classes: IArray[ClassData], val tastys: IArray[TastyData]):
override def toString(): String = s"PackageData($dotSeparatedName)"

/** In-memory representation of a `.class` file.
/** The representation of an entire classpath.
* `binaryName` is the file name without the `.class` extension.
* Classpaths are made of a sequence of entries (where order is relevant).
* Each entry contains a set of packages, and packages contain set of class
* information files.
final class ClassData(val binaryName: String, val debugPath: String, val bytes: IArray[Byte]):
override def toString(): String = s"ClassData($binaryName, $debugPath)"
type Classpath = List[ClasspathEntry]

/** In-memory representation of a `.tasty` file.
/** One entry of the classpath.
* A `ClasspathEntry` must have a meaningful `equals` and `hashCode`, which
* must reflect the identity of the entry (not necessarily the reference
* identity). Its equality is notably used by
* [[Contexts.Context.findSymbolsByClasspathEntry]].
* Users of a `ClasspathEntry` and its components may consider them to be
* idempotent.
* `binaryName` is the file name without the `.class` extension.
* All the methods of `ClasspathEntry` and its components may throw
* ``s to indicate I/O errors.
* Implementations of this class are encouraged to define a `toString()`
* method that helps identifying the entry for debugging purposes.
final class TastyData(val binaryName: String, val debugPath: String, val bytes: IArray[Byte]):
override def toString(): String = s"TastyData($binaryName, $debugPath)"
trait ClasspathEntry:
/** Lists all the packages available in this entry, including nested packages.
* This method must not return two items with the same [[PackageData.dotSeparatedName]].
* Subsequent calls to `listAllPackages` may return the same instances of
* [[PackageData]], but need not do so.
def listAllPackages(): List[PackageData]
end ClasspathEntry

/** In-memory representation of an entire classpath.
/** Information about one package within a [[ClasspathEntry]].
* A [[Classpath]] can be given to [[Contexts.Context.initialize]] to create a
* [[Contexts.Context]]. The latter gives semantic access to all the
* definitions on the classpath.
* Implementations of this class are encouraged to define a `toString()`
* method that helps identifying the package and its enclosing classpath
* entry for debugging purposes.
final class Classpath(val entries: IArray[Classpath.Entry]):

/** Returns the concatenation of this classpath with `other`.
* This is useful for structural sharing of [[Classpath.Entry Classpath Entries]]. e.g. in the following example
* the standard library is loaded once and shared between two classpaths:
* ```scala
* val stdLibCp =
* val libV101Cp ="path/to/lib-1.0.1.jar"))) ++ stdLibCp
* val libV102Cp ="path/to/lib-1.0.2.jar"))) ++ stdLibCp
* ```
trait PackageData:
/** The fully-qualified name of the package represented by this `PackageData`. */
val dotSeparatedName: String

/** Lists all the files containing class information in this package (but not nested packages).
* Class information is found in `.class` files and `.tasty` files. For
* any binary name `X`, if there is both an `X.class` and an `X.tasty`,
* they must be returned as part of the same [[ClassData]].
* This method must not return two items with the same [[ClassData.binaryName]].
* Subsequent calls to `listAllClassDatas` and [[getClassDataByBinaryName]]
* may return the same instances of [[ClassData]], but need not do so.
def ++(other: Classpath): Classpath = Classpath(entries ++ other.entries)

/** Filter a classpath so it only contains roots that match the given binary names. */
def withFilter(binaryNames: List[String]): Classpath =

def packageAndClass(binaryName: String): (String, String) =
val lastSep = binaryName.lastIndexOf('.')
if lastSep == -1 then ("", binaryName)
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
val packageName = binaryName.substring(0, lastSep)
val className = binaryName.substring(lastSep + 1)
(packageName, className)

def filterEntry(entry: Classpath.Entry, lookup: Map[String, List[String]]) =
val packages = entry.packages.collect {
case pkg if lookup.contains(pkg.dotSeparatedName) =>
val tastys = pkg.tastys.filter(t => lookup(pkg.dotSeparatedName).contains(t.binaryName))
val classes = pkg.classes.filter(c => lookup(pkg.dotSeparatedName).contains(c.binaryName))
PackageData(pkg.dotSeparatedName, classes, tastys)

val formatted =
val lookup = formatted.groupMap((pkg, _) => pkg)((_, cls) => cls)
val filtered =, lookup))
end withFilter
end Classpath

/** Factory object for [[Classpath]] instances. */
object Classpath {

/** An entry (directory or jar file) of a [[Classpath]].
def listAllClassDatas(): List[ClassData]

/** Get the [[ClassData]] associated with the given `binaryName` in this package, if it exists.
* You can lookup all symbols originating from a particular [[Classpath.Entry]]
* with [[Contexts.Context.findSymbolsByClasspathEntry ctx.findSymbolsByClasspathEntry]].
* Returns `None` if neither `binaryName.class` nor `binaryName.tasty` exists.
* For example:
* Subsequent calls to `getClassDataByBinaryName` and [[listAllClassDatas]]
* may return the same instance of [[ClassData]], but need not do so.
def getClassDataByBinaryName(binaryName: String): Option[ClassData]
end PackageData

/** Information about one class within a [[PackageData]].
* When both a `.class` file and a `.tasty` file exist for a given binary
* name, they are represented by the same instance of `ClassData`.
* Implementations of this class are encouraged to define a `toString()`
* method that helps identifying the class and its enclosing package and
* classpath entry for debugging purposes.
trait ClassData:
/** The binary name of the class information represented by this `ClassData`.
* ```scala
* val classpath = :: stdLibPaths)
* given Context = Contexts.init(classpath)
* val myLibSyms = ctx.findSymbolsByClasspathEntry(classpath.entries.head)
* ```
* It is the name of the file(s) without the `.class` or `.tasty` extension.
final class Entry(val packages: IArray[PackageData])
val binaryName: String

/** Tests whether this class information has an associated `.tasty` file. */
def hasTastyFile: Boolean

/** Reads the contents of the `.tasty` file associated with this class information. */
def readTastyFileBytes(): IArray[Byte]

/** Tests whether this class information has an associated `.class` file. */
def hasClassFile: Boolean

/** Reads the contents of the `.class` file associated with this class information. */
def readClassFileBytes(): IArray[Byte]
end ClassData

/** In-memory representation of classpath entries. */
object InMemory:
import Classpaths as generic

final class ClasspathEntry(debugString: String, val packages: List[PackageData]) extends generic.ClasspathEntry:
override def toString(): String = debugString

def listAllPackages(): List[generic.PackageData] = packages
end ClasspathEntry

final class PackageData(debugString: String, val dotSeparatedName: String, val classes: List[ClassData])
extends generic.PackageData:
private lazy val byBinaryName = => c.binaryName -> c).toMap

override def toString(): String = debugString

def listAllClassDatas(): List[generic.ClassData] = classes

def getClassDataByBinaryName(binaryName: String): Option[generic.ClassData] = byBinaryName.get(binaryName)
end PackageData

final class ClassData(
debugString: String,
val binaryName: String,
val tastyFileBytes: Option[IArray[Byte]],
val classFileBytes: Option[IArray[Byte]]
) extends generic.ClassData:
override def toString(): String = debugString

def hasTastyFile: Boolean = tastyFileBytes.isDefined

def readTastyFileBytes(): IArray[Byte] = tastyFileBytes.get

def hasClassFile: Boolean = classFileBytes.isDefined

def readClassFileBytes(): IArray[Byte] = classFileBytes.get

def combineWith(that: ClassData): ClassData =
this.binaryName == that.binaryName,
s"cannot combine two ClassData for different binary names ${this.binaryName} and ${that.binaryName}"
end combineWith
end ClassData
end InMemory
end Classpaths
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Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ object Contexts {
sourceFiles.getOrElseUpdate(path, new SourceFile(path))

/** For a given classpath entry, return a lazy view over all the roots covered by the entry. */
def findSymbolsByClasspathEntry(entry: Classpath.Entry): Iterable[TermOrTypeSymbol] =
def findSymbolsByClasspathEntry(entry: ClasspathEntry): Iterable[TermOrTypeSymbol] =
classloader.lookupByEntry(entry).getOrElse {
throw new UnknownClasspathEntry(entry)
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