Pull Requests
- Release 0.9.18 (#137) @mlachkar
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.3.13 (#136) @scala-steward
- bump scalafmt-core (#135) @bjaglin
- bi-weekly scala steward updates to reduce noise (#134) @bjaglin
- Upgrade to Scalatest 3.2.0 (#133) @olafurpg
- Update org.eclipse.jgit to (#132) @scala-steward
- test/document usage of local 2.13 rules (#128) @bjaglin
- allow usage of rules compiled against 2.11 & 2.13 (#121) @bjaglin
- Introduce scalafixAll InputTask (#126) @bjaglin
- support sbt 1.3.x SemanticdbPlugin in ScalafixTestkitPlugin (take 2) (#125) @bjaglin
- make local dev possible with JDK11 (#127) @bjaglin
- deprecate usage of coursiersmall type in scalafixResolvers (#123) @bjaglin