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Kyungdahm Yun edited this page May 30, 2013 · 2 revisions


INISAFE Mail 플러그인 기반의 보안메일 중 유형이 INITECH이거나 구버전의 PBKDF2를 사용하는 경우, 키 생성을 위하여 각 발송기관별 고유의 salt값이 필요합니다. 아래는 해당 값으로 추정되는 것들의 목록입니다.

Code Salt
BB finebankcustomer
NA notarization
BD kwangjubank
IA shinhanlife
BC nonghyup
CB kookmincard
BA goodbank
BE shinhanbank
TB onsetel
IB korealife
CC bccard
IC prudentiallife
BG nonghyup
AB initech
SA goodmorning
ID kyowonnara
GB pdmc
CD yescard
BI jeil
CE hyundaidep
AC hiliving
TD tumedia
GC police
TE ktpowertel
TF hanarotel
AD qrix
GD ktcu
GE ktpf
UA dongmyung
IE kyobolife
NB nso
TG dacom
BH knbank
CF asanhospital
BJ shinhanbank
BK kdb
DA wooricapital
BL daegubank
BM cubank
BN shinhancard
AE motorboat
SB goodmorning
BO shinhanbank
TH ktbill
IF greenfire
SC nhsecurity
CG bccard
NC moct
WA ezvile
SU seouluni
IG dongbufire
TI hanarotelecom
EA samsungcorp
DI defaultmailid
KA consulting
GF customservice
BP pusanbank
HA paradisehotel
SD skstock
AK assetplus
SE dongyangasset
BQ shinhanbank
OA amailsessionkey
EB skeandscorp
SS shinyoungstock
GS mculturesport
GK mondefense
GJ jejuprovincial
GL ministryoflabor
ST etrade
GP pyeongtaek
IK korealife2
GO pcs21
DD doosancapital
GM sbc
GG jugong
IH hicokr
GN nts
GI keis
MC cjhello
GQ nts2
TK kwic
SZ bestez
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