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Debian scripts are now picked up from default folder #35
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jsuereth committed Oct 31, 2013
2 parents 3c00ac7 + b340d4b commit dc93fa4
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Showing 6 changed files with 240 additions and 187 deletions.
374 changes: 195 additions & 179 deletions src/main/scala/com/typesafe/sbt/packager/debian/DebianPlugin.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,179 +1,195 @@
package com.typesafe.sbt
package packager
package debian

import Keys._
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys.{ mappings, target, name, mainClass, normalizedName }
import linux.LinuxPackageMapping
import linux.LinuxSymlink
import linux.LinuxFileMetaData
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Hashing
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.linux.LinuxSymlink

trait DebianPlugin extends Plugin with linux.LinuxPlugin {
val Debian = config("debian") extend Linux

import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.universal.Archives

private[this] final def copyAndFixPerms(from: File, to: File, perms: LinuxFileMetaData, zipped: Boolean = false): Unit = {
if (zipped) {
IO.withTemporaryDirectory { dir =>
val tmp = dir / from.getName
IO.copyFile(from, tmp)
val zipped = Archives.gzip(tmp)
IO.copyFile(zipped, to, true)
} else IO.copyFile(from, to, true)
// If we have a directory, we need to alter the perms.
chmod(to, perms.permissions)
// TODO - Can we do anything about user/group ownership?

def debianSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
debianPriority := "optional",
debianSection := "java",
debianPackageDependencies := Seq.empty,
debianPackageRecommends := Seq.empty,
debianSignRole := "builder",
target in Debian <<= (target, name in Debian, version in Debian) apply ((t, n, v) => t / (n + "-" + v)),
name in Debian <<= (name in Linux),
version in Debian <<= (version in Linux),
linuxPackageMappings in Debian <<= linuxPackageMappings,
packageDescription in Debian <<= packageDescription in Linux,
packageSummary in Debian <<= packageSummary in Linux,
maintainer in Debian <<= maintainer in Linux,
debianMaintainerScripts := Seq.empty,
debianMakePreinstScript := None,
debianMakePrermScript := None,
debianMakePostinstScript := None,
debianMakePostrmScript := None,
// TODO - We should make sure there isn't one already specified...
debianMaintainerScripts <++= debianMakePreinstScript map {
case Some(script) => Seq(script -> "preinst")
case None => Seq.empty
debianMaintainerScripts <++= debianMakePrermScript map {
case Some(script) => Seq(script -> "prerm")
case None => Seq.empty
debianMaintainerScripts <++= debianMakePostinstScript map {
case Some(script) => Seq(script -> "postinst")
case None => Seq.empty
debianMaintainerScripts <++= debianMakePostrmScript map {
case Some(script) => Seq(script -> "postrm")
case None => Seq.empty
}) ++ inConfig(Debian)(Seq(
packageArchitecture := "all",
debianPackageInfo <<=
(name, version, maintainer, packageSummary, packageDescription) apply PackageInfo,
debianPackageMetadata <<=
debianPriority, packageArchitecture, debianSection,
debianPackageDependencies, debianPackageRecommends) apply PackageMetaData,
debianPackageInstallSize <<= linuxPackageMappings map { mappings =>
(for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, _, zipped) <- mappings
(file, _) <- files
if !file.isDirectory && file.exists
// TODO - If zipped, heuristically figure out a reduction factor.
} yield file.length).sum / 1024
debianControlFile <<= (debianPackageMetadata, debianPackageInstallSize, target) map {
(data, size, dir) =>
val cfile = dir / "DEBIAN" / "control"
IO.write(cfile, data.makeContent(size), java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset)
chmod(cfile, "0644")
debianConffilesFile <<= (linuxPackageMappings, target) map {
(mappings, dir) =>
val cfile = dir / "DEBIAN" / "conffiles"
val conffiles = for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, meta, _) <- mappings
if meta.config != "false"
(file, name) <- files
if file.isFile
} yield name
IO.writeLines(cfile, conffiles)
chmod(cfile, "0644")
/*debianLinksfile <<= (name, linuxPackageSymlinks, target) map { (name, symlinks, dir) =>
val lfile = dir / "DEBIAN" / (name + ".links")
val content =
for {
LinuxSymlink(link, destination) <- symlinks
} yield link + " " + destination
IO.writeLines(lfile, content)
chmod(lfile, "0644")
debianExplodedPackage <<= (linuxPackageMappings, debianControlFile, debianMaintainerScripts, debianConffilesFile, linuxPackageSymlinks, target) map { (mappings, _, maintScripts, _, symlinks, t) =>
// First Create directories, in case we have any without files in them.
for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, perms, zipped) <- mappings
(file, name) <- files
if file.isDirectory
tfile = t / name
if !tfile.exists
} tfile.mkdirs()
for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, perms, zipped) <- mappings
(file, name) <- files
if !file.isDirectory && file.exists
tfile = t / name
} copyAndFixPerms(file, tfile, perms, zipped)

// Now generate relative symlinks
LinuxSymlink.makeSymLinks(symlinks, t, false)

// TODO: Fix this ugly hack to permission directories correctly!
for {
file <- (t.***).get
if file.isDirectory
if file.getCanonicalPath == file.getAbsolutePath // Ignore symlinks.
} chmod(file, "0755")
// Put the maintainer files in `dir / "DEBIAN"` named as specified.
// Valid values for the name are preinst,postinst,prerm,postrm
for ((file, name) <- maintScripts) copyAndFixPerms(file, t / "DEBIAN" / name, LinuxFileMetaData())

debianMD5sumsFile <<= (debianExplodedPackage, target) map {
(mappings, dir) =>
val md5file = dir / "DEBIAN" / "md5sums"
val md5sums = for {
(file, name) <- (dir.*** --- dir x relativeTo(dir))
if file.isFile
if !(name startsWith "DEBIAN")
if !(name contains "debian-binary")
// TODO - detect symlinks...
if file.getCanonicalPath == file.getAbsolutePath
fixedName = if (name startsWith "/") name drop 1 else name
} yield Hashing.md5Sum(file) + " " + fixedName
IO.writeLines(md5file, md5sums)
chmod(md5file, "0644")
packageBin <<= (debianExplodedPackage, debianMD5sumsFile, target, streams) map { (pkgdir, _, tdir, s) =>
// Make the package. We put this in fakeroot, so we can build the package with root owning files.
Process(Seq("fakeroot", "--", "dpkg-deb", "--build", pkgdir.getAbsolutePath), Some(tdir)) ! s.log match {
case 0 => ()
case x => sys.error("Failure packaging debian file. Exit code: " + x)
file(tdir.getAbsolutePath + ".deb")
debianSign <<= (packageBin, debianSignRole, streams) map { (deb, role, s) =>
Process(Seq("dpkg-sig", "-s", role, deb.getAbsolutePath), Some(deb.getParentFile())) ! s.log match {
case 0 => ()
case x => sys.error("Failed to sign debian package! exit code: " + x)
lintian <<= packageBin map { file =>
Process(Seq("lintian", "-c", "-v", file.getName), Some(file.getParentFile)).!

package com.typesafe.sbt
package packager
package debian

import Keys._
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys.{ mappings, target, name, mainClass, normalizedName }
import linux.LinuxPackageMapping
import linux.LinuxSymlink
import linux.LinuxFileMetaData
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Hashing
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.linux.LinuxSymlink
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.archetypes.TemplateWriter

trait DebianPlugin extends Plugin with linux.LinuxPlugin {
val Debian = config("debian") extend Linux

import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.universal.Archives

private[this] final def copyAndFixPerms(from: File, to: File, perms: LinuxFileMetaData, zipped: Boolean = false): Unit = {
if (zipped) {
IO.withTemporaryDirectory { dir =>
val tmp = dir / from.getName
IO.copyFile(from, tmp)
val zipped = Archives.gzip(tmp)
IO.copyFile(zipped, to, true)
} else IO.copyFile(from, to, true)
// If we have a directory, we need to alter the perms.
chmod(to, perms.permissions)
// TODO - Can we do anything about user/group ownership?

private[this] def filterAndFixPerms(script: File, replacements: DebianControlScriptReplacements, perms: LinuxFileMetaData): File = {
val filtered = TemplateWriter.generateScript(script.toURI.toURL, replacements.makeReplacements)
IO.write(script, filtered)
chmod(script, perms.permissions)

private[this] def scriptMapping(scriptName: String)(script: Option[File], controlDir: File): Seq[(File, String)] = {
(script, controlDir) match {
case (Some(script), _) => Seq(script -> scriptName)
case (None, dir) =>
val script = dir / scriptName
if (script exists) Seq(file(script getAbsolutePath) -> scriptName) else Seq.empty

def debianSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
debianPriority := "optional",
debianSection := "java",
debianPackageDependencies := Seq.empty,
debianPackageRecommends := Seq.empty,
debianSignRole := "builder",
target in Debian <<= (target, name in Debian, version in Debian) apply ((t, n, v) => t / (n + "-" + v)),
name in Debian <<= (name in Linux),
version in Debian <<= (version in Linux),
linuxPackageMappings in Debian <<= linuxPackageMappings,
packageDescription in Debian <<= packageDescription in Linux,
packageSummary in Debian <<= packageSummary in Linux,
maintainer in Debian <<= maintainer in Linux,

// Debian Control Scripts
debianControlScriptsReplacements <<= (maintainer in Debian, packageSummary in Debian, normalizedName, version) apply DebianControlScriptReplacements,

debianControlScriptsDirectory := (sourceDirectory.value / "debian" / "DEBIAN"),
debianMaintainerScripts := Seq.empty,
debianMakePreinstScript := None,
debianMakePrermScript := None,
debianMakePostinstScript := None,
debianMakePostrmScript := None,

debianMaintainerScripts <++= (debianMakePrermScript, debianControlScriptsDirectory) map scriptMapping("prerm"),
debianMaintainerScripts <++= (debianMakePreinstScript, debianControlScriptsDirectory) map scriptMapping("preinst"),
debianMaintainerScripts <++= (debianMakePostinstScript, debianControlScriptsDirectory) map scriptMapping("postinst"),
debianMaintainerScripts <++= (debianMakePostrmScript, debianControlScriptsDirectory) map scriptMapping("postrm")) ++ inConfig(Debian)(Seq(
packageArchitecture := "all",
debianPackageInfo <<=
(name, version, maintainer, packageSummary, packageDescription) apply PackageInfo,
debianPackageMetadata <<=
debianPriority, packageArchitecture, debianSection,
debianPackageDependencies, debianPackageRecommends) apply PackageMetaData,
debianPackageInstallSize <<= linuxPackageMappings map { mappings =>
(for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, _, zipped) <- mappings
(file, _) <- files
if !file.isDirectory && file.exists
// TODO - If zipped, heuristically figure out a reduction factor.
} yield file.length).sum / 1024
debianControlFile <<= (debianPackageMetadata, debianPackageInstallSize, target) map {
(data, size, dir) =>
val cfile = dir / "DEBIAN" / "control"
IO.write(cfile, data.makeContent(size), java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset)
chmod(cfile, "0644")
debianConffilesFile <<= (linuxPackageMappings, target) map {
(mappings, dir) =>
val cfile = dir / "DEBIAN" / "conffiles"
val conffiles = for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, meta, _) <- mappings
if meta.config != "false"
(file, name) <- files
if file.isFile
} yield name
IO.writeLines(cfile, conffiles)
chmod(cfile, "0644")
/*debianLinksfile <<= (name, linuxPackageSymlinks, target) map { (name, symlinks, dir) =>
val lfile = dir / "DEBIAN" / (name + ".links")
val content =
for {
LinuxSymlink(link, destination) <- symlinks
} yield link + " " + destination
IO.writeLines(lfile, content)
chmod(lfile, "0644")
debianExplodedPackage <<= (linuxPackageMappings, debianControlFile, debianMaintainerScripts, debianConffilesFile, debianControlScriptsReplacements, linuxPackageSymlinks, target)
map { (mappings, _, maintScripts, _, replacements, symlinks, t) =>
// First Create directories, in case we have any without files in them.
for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, perms, zipped) <- mappings
(file, name) <- files
if file.isDirectory
tfile = t / name
if !tfile.exists
} tfile.mkdirs()
for {
LinuxPackageMapping(files, perms, zipped) <- mappings
(file, name) <- files
if !file.isDirectory && file.exists
tfile = t / name
} copyAndFixPerms(file, tfile, perms, zipped)

// Now generate relative symlinks
LinuxSymlink.makeSymLinks(symlinks, t, false)

// TODO: Fix this ugly hack to permission directories correctly!
for {
file <- (t.***).get
if file.isDirectory
if file.getCanonicalPath == file.getAbsolutePath // Ignore symlinks.
} chmod(file, "0755")
// Put the maintainer files in `dir / "DEBIAN"` named as specified.
// Valid values for the name are preinst,postinst,prerm,postrm
for ((file, name) <- maintScripts) {
val targetFile = t / "DEBIAN" / name
copyAndFixPerms(file, targetFile, LinuxFileMetaData())
filterAndFixPerms(targetFile, replacements, LinuxFileMetaData())

debianMD5sumsFile <<= (debianExplodedPackage, target) map {
(mappings, dir) =>
val md5file = dir / "DEBIAN" / "md5sums"
val md5sums = for {
(file, name) <- (dir.*** --- dir x relativeTo(dir))
if file.isFile
if !(name startsWith "DEBIAN")
if !(name contains "debian-binary")
// TODO - detect symlinks...
if file.getCanonicalPath == file.getAbsolutePath
fixedName = if (name startsWith "/") name drop 1 else name
} yield Hashing.md5Sum(file) + " " + fixedName
IO.writeLines(md5file, md5sums)
chmod(md5file, "0644")
packageBin <<= (debianExplodedPackage, debianMD5sumsFile, target, streams) map { (pkgdir, _, tdir, s) =>
// Make the package. We put this in fakeroot, so we can build the package with root owning files.
Process(Seq("fakeroot", "--", "dpkg-deb", "--build", pkgdir.getAbsolutePath), Some(tdir)) ! s.log match {
case 0 => ()
case x => sys.error("Failure packaging debian file. Exit code: " + x)
file(tdir.getAbsolutePath + ".deb")
debianSign <<= (packageBin, debianSignRole, streams) map { (deb, role, s) =>
Process(Seq("dpkg-sig", "-s", role, deb.getAbsolutePath), Some(deb.getParentFile())) ! s.log match {
case 0 => ()
case x => sys.error("Failed to sign debian package! exit code: " + x)
lintian <<= packageBin map { file =>
Process(Seq("lintian", "-c", "-v", file.getName), Some(file.getParentFile)).!


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