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New WatchService based on Java 7's WatchService
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The goal of this is to add an abstraction layer so that we can define
new kinds of `WatchService`s. This way, we can use the default
`WatchService` provided by the JDK on certain platform (e.g. Windows),
and revert back to the `PollingWatchService` that existed before, on
machine where there's no native support for monitoring the file system
(e.g. macOS).

This commit includes an adapter for the `WatchService` from Java NIO to
our new interface, and a port of the existing `PollingWatchService`.
  • Loading branch information
Duhemm committed Jun 28, 2017
1 parent 45133f7 commit 3f7488b
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Showing 8 changed files with 728 additions and 36 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ scala:
- 2.10.6
- 2.11.11
- 2.12.2

- 2.13.0-M1
- oraclejdk8
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.sbt
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import Dependencies._
// import, ProblemFilters._

def baseVersion: String = "1.0.0-M8"
def baseVersion: String = "1.0.0-M12"

def commonSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
scalaVersion := scala212,
Expand Down
192 changes: 158 additions & 34 deletions io/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/io/SourceModificationWatch.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,45 +3,169 @@

import annotation.tailrec
import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path, WatchEvent, WatchKey }
import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds._

import{ DirectoryFilter, FileFilter, WatchService }

import scala.annotation.tailrec

private[sbt] object SourceModificationWatch {
@tailrec def watch(sourcesFinder: PathFinder, pollDelayMillis: Int, state: WatchState)(terminationCondition: => Boolean): (Boolean, WatchState) =
import state._

val sourceFiles: Iterable[] = sourcesFinder.get
val sourceFilesPath: Set[String] =
val lastModifiedTime =
(0L /: sourceFiles) { (acc, file) => math.max(acc, file.lastModified) }

val sourcesModified =
lastModifiedTime > lastCallbackCallTime ||
previousFiles != sourceFilesPath

val (triggered, newCallbackCallTime) =
if (sourcesModified)
(false, System.currentTimeMillis)
(awaitingQuietPeriod, lastCallbackCallTime)

val newState = new WatchState(newCallbackCallTime, sourceFilesPath, sourcesModified, if (triggered) count + 1 else count)
if (triggered)
(true, newState)
else {
if (terminationCondition)
(false, newState)
watch(sourcesFinder, pollDelayMillis, newState)(terminationCondition)

* Checks for modifications on the file system every `delayMillis` milliseconds,
* until changes are detected or `terminationCondition` evaluates to `true`.
def watch(delayMillis: Long, state: WatchState)(terminationCondition: => Boolean): (Boolean, WatchState) = {
if (state.count == 0) (true, state.withCount(1))
else {
val events =

if (events.isEmpty) {
if (terminationCondition) {
(false, state)
} else {
watch(delayMillis, state)(terminationCondition)
} else {
val previousFiles = state.registered.keySet
val newFiles = state.sources.flatMap(_.getUnfilteredPaths()).toSet
val createdFiles = newFiles -- previousFiles
val deletedFiles = previousFiles -- newFiles

// We may have events that are not relevant (e.g., created an empty directory.)
// We filter out those changes, so that we don't trigger unnecessarily.
val filteredDeleted = deletedFiles.filter(p => state.sources.exists(_.accept(p, false)))
val filteredCreated = createdFiles.filter(p => state.sources.exists(_.accept(p, false)))
val filteredModified = events.collect {
case (p, ENTRY_MODIFY) if state.sources.exists(_.accept(p, false)) => p

// Register and remove _unfiltered_ files. This is correct because directories
// are likely to be filtered out (for instance), but we should still add them
// to the files that are watched.
// We don't increment count because we don't know yet if we'll trigger.
val newState = state ++ createdFiles -- deletedFiles

if (filteredCreated.nonEmpty || filteredDeleted.nonEmpty || filteredModified.nonEmpty) {
(true, newState.withCount(newState.count + 1))
} else {
watch(delayMillis, newState)(terminationCondition)

private def expandEvent(event: (Path, WatchEvent[_])): (Path, WatchEvent.Kind[Path]) = {
event match {
case (base, ev) =>
val fullPath = base.resolve(ev.context().asInstanceOf[Path])
val kind = ev.kind().asInstanceOf[WatchEvent.Kind[Path]]
(fullPath, kind)

/** The state of the file watch. */
final class WatchState private (
val count: Int,
private[sbt] val sources: Seq[Source],
service: WatchService,
private[sbt] val registered: Map[Path, WatchKey]
) {
/** Removes all of `fs` from the watched paths. */
private[sbt] def --(fs: Iterable[Path]): WatchState = {
for { f <- fs;
wk <- registered.get(f);
if (registered.values.count(_ == wk)) <= 1 } wk.cancel()
withRegistered(registered -- fs)

/** Adds all of `fs` to the watched paths. */
private[sbt] def ++(fs: Iterable[Path]): WatchState = {
val newKeys =
fs.filter(Files.exists(_)).foldLeft(registered) {
case (ks, d) if Files.isDirectory(d) =>
if (registered.contains(d)) ks
else ks + (d -> service.register(d, _*))

case (ks, f) =>
val parent = f.getParent
if (registered.contains(parent)) ks + (f -> registered(parent))
else ks + (f -> service.register(parent, _*))

/** Retrieve events from the `WatchService` */
private[sbt] def pollEvents(): Iterable[(Path, WatchEvent[_])] = {
val events = service.pollEvents
events.toIterable.flatMap {
case (k, evs) =>[Path], _))

/** A new state, with a new `count`. */
private[sbt] def withCount(count: Int): WatchState =
new WatchState(count, sources, service, registered)

/** A new state, with new keys registered. */
private[sbt] def withRegistered(registered: Map[Path, WatchKey]): WatchState =
new WatchState(count, sources, service, registered)
private[sbt] final class WatchState(val lastCallbackCallTime: Long, val previousFiles: Set[String], val awaitingQuietPeriod: Boolean, val count: Int) {
def previousFileCount: Int = previousFiles.size

* Represents how to acquire a list of items to watch.
* @param base Where to start looking for files.
* @param includeFilter Filter to apply to determine whether to include a file.
* @param excludeFilter Filter to apply to determine whether to ignore a file.
final class Source(base: File, includeFilter: FileFilter, excludeFilter: FileFilter) {
* Determine whether `p` should be included in this source.
* @param p The path to test.
* @param includeDirs Whether all directories should be included.
* @return True, if `p` should be included, false otherwise.
private[sbt] def accept(p: Path, includeDirs: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
val inc =
if (includeDirs) DirectoryFilter || includeFilter
else includeFilter

p.startsWith(base.toPath) &&
inc.accept(p.toFile) &&

* Gathers all the paths from this source without applying filters.
* @return A sequence of all the paths collected from this source.
private[sbt] def getUnfilteredPaths(): Seq[Path] =

private[sbt] object WatchState {
def empty = new WatchState(0L, Set.empty[String], false, 0)
object WatchState {
/** What events should be monitored */
val events: Array[WatchEvent.Kind[Path]] = Array(ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY)

* An empty `WatchState`.
* @param service The `WatchService` to use to monitor the file system.
* @param sources The sources from where to collect the paths.
* @return An initial `WatchState`.
def empty(service: WatchService, sources: Seq[Source]): WatchState = {
val initFiles = sources.flatMap(_.getUnfilteredPaths())
val initState = new WatchState(0, sources, service, Map.empty) ++ initFiles

165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions io/src/main/scala/sbt/io/PollingWatchService.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@

import java.nio.file.{ClosedWatchServiceException, Files, Path => JPath, Watchable, WatchKey, WatchEvent}
import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds._
import java.util.{List => JList}

import scala.collection.mutable

/** A `WatchService` that polls the filesystem every `delayMs` milliseconds. */
class PollingWatchService(delayMs: Long) extends WatchService {
private var closed: Boolean = false
private val thread: PollingThread = new PollingThread(delayMs)
private val keys: mutable.Map[JPath, PollingWatchKey] = mutable.Map.empty
private val pathLengthOrdering: Ordering[JPath] =
Ordering.fromLessThan {
case (null, _) | (_, null) => true
case (a, b) =>
a.toString.length < b.toString.length

private val watched: mutable.Map[JPath, Seq[WatchEvent.Kind[JPath]]] =

override def close(): Unit =
closed = true

override def init(): Unit = {
while (!thread.initDone) {

override def poll(timeoutMs: Long): WatchKey = thread.keysWithEvents.synchronized {
ensureNotClosed() { k =>
thread.keysWithEvents -= k

override def pollEvents(): Map[WatchKey, Seq[WatchEvent[JPath]]] = thread.keysWithEvents.synchronized {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val events = { k =>
k -> k.pollEvents().asScala.asInstanceOf[Seq[WatchEvent[JPath]]]

override def register(path: JPath, events: WatchEvent.Kind[JPath]*): WatchKey = {
val key = new PollingWatchKey(thread, path, new java.util.ArrayList[WatchEvent[_]])
keys += path -> key
watched += path -> events

private def ensureNotClosed(): Unit =
if (closed) throw new ClosedWatchServiceException

private class PollingThread(delayMs: Long) extends Thread {
private var fileTimes: Map[JPath, Long] = Map.empty
var initDone = false
val keysWithEvents = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[WatchKey]

override def run(): Unit =
while (!closed) {
initDone = true

def getFileTimes(): Map[JPath, Long] = {
val results = mutable.Map.empty[JPath, Long]
watched.toSeq.sortBy(_._1)(pathLengthOrdering).foreach {
case (p, _) =>
if (!results.contains(p))
p.toFile.allPaths.get.foreach(f => results += f.toPath -> f.lastModified)

private def addEvent(path: JPath, ev: WatchEvent[JPath]): Unit = keysWithEvents.synchronized {
keys.get(path).foreach { k =>
keysWithEvents += k

private def populateEvents(): Unit = {
val newFileTimes = getFileTimes()
val newFiles = newFileTimes.keySet
val oldFiles = fileTimes.keySet

val deletedFiles = (oldFiles -- newFiles).toSeq
val createdFiles = (newFiles -- oldFiles).toSeq

val modifiedFiles = fileTimes.collect {
case (p, oldTime) if newFileTimes.getOrElse(p, 0L) > oldTime => p
fileTimes = newFileTimes

deletedFiles.foreach { deleted =>
val parent = deleted.getParent
if (watched.getOrElse(parent, Seq.empty).contains(ENTRY_DELETE)) {
val ev = new PollingWatchEvent(parent.relativize(deleted), ENTRY_DELETE)
addEvent(parent, ev)
watched -= deleted

createdFiles.sorted(pathLengthOrdering).foreach {
case dir if Files.isDirectory(dir) =>
val parent = dir.getParent
val parentEvents = watched.getOrElse(parent, Seq.empty)
if (parentEvents.contains(ENTRY_CREATE)) {
val ev = new PollingWatchEvent(parent.relativize(dir), ENTRY_CREATE)
addEvent(parent, ev)

case file =>
val parent = file.getParent
if (watched.getOrElse(parent, Seq.empty).contains(ENTRY_CREATE)) {
val ev = new PollingWatchEvent(parent.relativize(file), ENTRY_CREATE)
addEvent(parent, ev)

modifiedFiles.foreach {
case file =>
val parent = file.getParent
if (watched.getOrElse(parent, Seq.empty).contains(ENTRY_MODIFY)) {
val ev = new PollingWatchEvent(parent.relativize(file), ENTRY_MODIFY)
addEvent(parent, ev)


private class PollingWatchKey(origin: PollingThread,
override val watchable: Watchable,
val events: JList[WatchEvent[_]]) extends WatchKey {
override def cancel(): Unit = ()
override def isValid(): Boolean = true
override def pollEvents(): java.util.List[WatchEvent[_]] = origin.keysWithEvents.synchronized {
origin.keysWithEvents -= this
val evs = new java.util.ArrayList[WatchEvent[_]](events)
override def reset(): Boolean = true


private class PollingWatchEvent(override val context: JPath,
override val kind: WatchEvent.Kind[JPath]) extends WatchEvent[JPath] {
override val count: Int = 1


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