ChordPlay is an algorithmic composition tool for exploring chord progressions via a simple command line interface. Its key features are:
- Find and play a minimal voice leading
- Improvise a simple melody over the chord sequence
- Loop the given chord sequence endlessly so you can improvise over it with your own instrument
- cmake (for building from source)
- RtMidi
- libpopt
Run ChordPlay from the command line with a chord sequence as arguments, e.g.
chordplay C F G7 C
ChordPlay will automatically compute and print a minimal voice leading.
To play back the chord sequence, you need to have a General MIDI
synthesizer (such as FluidSynth or TiMidity++) running and pass the -p
argument to Chordplay:
chordplay -p C F G7 C
To let ChordPlay additionally improvise a random melody over the given
chord sequence, additionally pass the -i
chordplay -p -i C F G7 C