Convenience wrapper over cl_http_client
- url destination
- integrate with json ?
- proxy ?
- resumable password exception ?
data lt_query type zif_aha_http_agent=>tty_key_value.
data lt_header type zif_aha_http_agent=>tty_key_value.
field-symbols <e> like line of lt_query.
append initial line to lt_query assigning <e>.
<e>-key = 'id'.
<e>-val = '1234'.
append initial line to lt_header assigning <e>.
<e>-key = 'content-type'.
<e>-val = 'application/json'.
data lo_agent type ref to zif_aha_http_agent.
data li_resp type ref to zif_aha_http_response.
lo_agent = zcl_aha_http_agent=>create( iv_destination = 'MYDESTINATION' ).
li_resp = lo_agent->request(
iv_uri = 'service/1'
it_query = lt_query
it_headers = lt_header ).
if li_resp->is_ok( ) = abap_true.
do_my_processing( li_resp->data( ) ).
report_error( li_resp->error( ) ).
headers and query integrates well with abap-string-map
data lo_query type ref to zcl_abap_string_map.
create object lo_query.
lo_query->set( iv_key = 'id' iv_val = '1234' ).
li_resp = lo_agent->request(
iv_uri = 'service/1'
it_query = lo_query->mt_entries ).
data lo_agent type ref to zif_aha_http_agent.
lo_agent = zcl_aha_http_agent=>create( iv_destination = 'MYDESTINATION' ).
data lv_payload type xstring value '102030'.
iv_method = zif_aha_http_response=>c_methods-post
iv_uri = 'service/1'
iv_payload = lv_payload ).
data lt_multipart type zif_aha_http_agent=>tt_multipart.
field-symbols <mp> like line of lt_multipart.
append initial line to lt_multipart assigning <mp>.
<mp>-content_type = 'application/pdf'.
<mp>-data = 'some binary data here...'.
<mp>-filename = 'myfile.pdf'.
<mp>-name = 'myfile'.
iv_method = zif_aha_http_response=>c_methods-post
iv_uri = 'service/1'
iv_payload = lt_multipart ).