Working in progress
Multi-factor authentication plugin for systemd systemd (systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
为 systemd systemd 量身定制的 MFA(多因素验证) 插件,systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
- Multiple (depending on how many factors you inputted) Argon2 computes makes your password stronger, and harder to bruteforce.
- 进行多次(取决于输入多少个因素) Argon2 计算,让密码更难暴力破解
- The password comes from the checksum of multiple factors. Although your Yubikey has been cracked - a passphrase behind is protecting you.
- 使用多个因素的校验和作为密码。即使 Yubikey 被破解 - 还有密码短语作为最后一道防线
- The decryption process doesn't know any information about your factors. You can input infinite factors, then wait forever and let cryptsetup try to decrypt your disk.
- 你设置的因素信息,解密过程都不会知道。你可以输入无限个因素,等到世界末日然后交给 cryptsetup 尝试解锁硬盘
- Supports unlimited factors / 支持设置无限多的因素
- Order sensitive / 对顺序敏感
- Only two salt values are stored / 只需保存两个随机盐值
- Encrypt process / 加密过程
- Decrypt process / 解密过程 (coming soon)
- Rewritting code / 重构代码
- Passphrase / 密码
- CTAP2 (HMAC Ext.) / CTAP2 (HMAC 扩展)
- TPM 2.0 / 可信平台模块 2.0
- Password Agent
(coming soon) - CLI
git clone
Install docker or podman first.
docker build -o build .
# or
podman build -o build .
Then check the build
Install rust first.
And install missing libraries if any.
# build
cargo b
# build and run
cargo r
MPL-2.0, see LICENSE