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WebHook Scripting GitHub

Gabriel Engel edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 5 revisions

We can do 2 types of integrations with GitHub:

  1. Receive alerts from GitHub (Incoming WebHook)
  2. Send commands to GitHub and optionally receive a response (Outgoing WebHook)

Receive alerts

  • Create a new incoming webhook
  • Select the channel were you will receive the alerts
  • Use this script to receive alerts from new issues, closed issues and comments
if (headers['x-github-event'] === 'ping') {
  return {
    content: {
      text: ':thumbsup: ' + content.zen

if (headers['x-github-event'] === 'issues' && content.action === 'opened') {
  var attachment = {
    color: 'red',
    author_name: 'by ' + content.issue.user.login,
    author_link: content.issue.user.html_url,
    author_icon: content.issue.user.avatar_url,
    fields: []
  if (content.issue.labels) {
    var labels = [];
    content.issue.labels.forEach(function(label) {
    labels = labels.join(', ');
      title: 'Labels',
      value: labels,
      short: labels.length <= 40
  if (content.issue.assignee) {
      title: 'Assignee',
      value: content.issue.assignee.login,
      short: true
  return {
    content: {
      text: ':triangular_flag_on_post: Issue created [#' + content.issue.number + ' - ' + content.issue.title + '](' + content.issue.html_url + ')',
      attachments: [attachment]

if (headers['x-github-event'] === 'issues' && content.action === 'closed') {
  var attachment = {
    author_name: 'by ' + content.sender.login,
    author_link: content.sender.html_url,
    author_icon: content.sender.avatar_url
  return {
    content: {
      text: ':white_check_mark: Issue closed [#' + content.issue.number + ' - ' + content.issue.title + '](' + content.issue.html_url + ')',
      attachments: [attachment]

if (headers['x-github-event'] === 'issue_comment' && content.action === 'created') {
  var attachment = {
    text: content.comment.body,
    author_name: 'by ' + content.comment.user.login,
    author_link: content.comment.user.html_url,
    author_icon: content.comment.user.avatar_url
  return {
    content: {
      text: ':speech_balloon: Comment on issue [#' + content.issue.number + ' - ' + content.issue.title + '](' + content.issue.html_url + ')',
      attachments: [attachment]

return {
  error: {
    success: false,
    message: 'Unsupported method'
  • Save the integration
  • Go to your repository settings -> webhooks & services -> add webhook
  • Paste your Webhook URL from Rocket.Chat into Payload URL
  • Keep Contenty type as application/json
  • Leave Secret empty and save

Send commands to GitHub

This script only works for public repositories

  • Create a new outgoing webhook
  • Select the channel where you will use the commands and receive the responses
  • Set URLs as like
  • Use this Prepare Outgoing Request script to listen for commands pr ls, pr list and help
var match =^pr\s(ls|list)\s*(open|closed|all)?$/);
if (match) {
  var u = request.url + '/pulls';
  if (match[2]) {
    u += '?state='+match[2];
  return {
    url: u,
    headers: request.headers,
    method: 'GET'

var match =^help$/);
if (match) {
  return {
    message: {
      text: [
        '**GitHub commands**',
          '  pr ls|list [open|closed|all]  List Pull Requests',
  • And this Process Outgoing Response to get the response and format for Rocket.Chat
var text = [];
response.content.forEach(function(pr) {
	text.push('> '+pr.state+' [#'+pr.number+']('+pr.html_url+') - '+pr.title);

return {
	content: {
		text: text.join('\n'),
		parseUrls: false
  • Save your integration
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