I'm a full-stack developer from California with a passion for computer science, front-end development and Web3! Check out some of my highlighted projects, as well as original art, below!
β‘οΈ Gas fee estimator for the Ethereum Blockchain that populates new estimates every 10 seconds. GITHUB REPO | LIVE SITE
β‘οΈ Mock self-custody wallet web-app built with React. GITHUB REPO
β‘οΈ My first smart contract deployed on Solana's test network Mumbai including update Message function. GITHUB REPO
β‘οΈ HTML CSS site for previous Web3 Interview GITHUB REPO
Note to Chef is a tool to assist with planning for a variety of dietary needs by curating a collection of recipes. GITHUB REPO
Classroom Connect combines video conferencing and virtual reality for an enhanced classroom experience. GITHUB REPO
TECH STACK: React, Vite, Tailwind, ChartsJS, Typescript, Firebase
Full-stack development - React site to preview AS CS degree progress using multi-series pie chart from ChartsJS. GITHUB REPO
TECH STACK: React, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Express
Full-stack development - send, receive and view cryptocurrency transactions. GITHUB REPO
TECH STACK: Python, Flask, MySQL, AWS EC2
Full-stack development - live on Heroku - users can check the current cost to transact on the Ethereum Blockchain and set an email alert for low gas fees. LIVE SITE