This git repository helps you get up and running quickly with latest Etherpad installation on OpenShift (v.1.4.0). The backend database is MongoDB and the database name is the same as your application name (using $_ENV['OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME']). You can name your application whatever you want. However, the name of the database will always match the application so you might have to update .openshift/action_hooks/build.
Create an account at
Create a nodejs application with mongodb (you can call your application whatever you want)
rhc app create etherpad nodejs-0.10 mongodb-2 --from-code=
That's it, you can now checkout your application at:
GIT_ROOT/settings.json.template: This is etherpad settings template, which contains all the possible settings with comments.
GIT_ROOT/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy: This script is executed with every 'git push'. Feel free to modify this script to learn how to use it to your advantage. By default, this script will alter settings.json with proper OPENSHIFT_* values, as well it creates links needed for proper application setup on OpenShift.