is a databank application for uploading and retrieving infrared spectra for biomolecules. Anything from tissue samples to proteins.
- Create a new Python 3 environment
python3 -m venv ftirdb_env
- Enter the environment by running
- Install and upgrade the packaging tools:
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
- Install the project in editable mode
pip install -e ".[testing]"
- Create a new database
mysql -u root
create database mydb;
- Initialize and upgrade the database using Alembic:
alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"
- Upgrade to that revision:
alembic -c development.ini upgrade head
- Load default data into the database using a script:
initialize_ftirdb_db development.ini
- Run your project's tests with
- Run your project
pserve development.ini