The repository contains the agent running on VMs using the new Monsoon automation service.
This development setup is tested with go 1.10
To run a local mosquitto broker run the following docker container:
docker run -it --rm -p 1883:1883 --name mosquitto sapcc/mosquitto
to build and start the agent run:
go build -o onos-agent .
./onos-agent -endpoint=tcp://$(boot2docker ip):1883 #when using bash
./onos-agent -endpoint=tcp://(boot2docker ip):1883 #when using fish
To submit messages to the MQTT broker you can reuse the mosquitto image from above:
docker run -i --rm --link mosquitto:broker mosquitto mosquitto_pub -h broker -t [TOPIC] -s < payload.json
For your convience you can define an alias for the mosquitto_pub command:
alias mosquitto_pub="docker run -i --rm --link mosquitto:broker mosquitto mosquitto_pub -h broker"
Using this alias you can publish messages just be executing
mosquitto_pub -t [TOPIC] -s < payload.json