Releases: saoudrizwan/Dance
Releases · saoudrizwan/Dance
Pod release for v1.0.7
Updated associated object code for the UIView Extension.
Pod release for v1.0.6
Replaced custom CGFloatConvertible
with Swift's ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
Pod release for v1.0.5
Fixed bug where multiple animations wouldn't run at the same time.
Pod release for v1.0.4
Added DanceAnimationState, in order for the state variable to provide a clearer meaning.
Pod release for v1.0.3
Dance now has dance.tag which is especially useful for debugging.
Pod release for v1.0.2
Fixes issue where dance var couldn't be accessed outside the framework.
v1.0.1 for Cocoapods
v1.0.1 release for Cocoapods