AdiWallet - simple NFT wallet
This is a console application that acts as an NFT wallet.
- You run the app which receives some subset of transactions, and processes them in such a way that enables the program to answer questions about NFT ownership. -The program executes only a single command each time it is run, and will persist state between runs.
Commands the program supports :
- running transaction batch from a json file
- running transaction batch inline (single or array of transactions)
- reset wallet
- information about a NFT
- information about a Wallet For more info about the specifications check out the doc here
I have made heavy usage of a functional library Louthy - functional programming library for C# in order to make usage of Railway Programming (shortcircuit the flow at first error)
Project structure
- src:
- AdiWallet.App - the console application
- AdiWallet.Services - the place where logic logic resides
- AdiWallet.Domain - the place where the domain model is placed ( all domain objects)
- Commands - NftInfo, WalletInfo, Reset, ReadFile , ReadInline
- Messages - Burn, Mint ,Transfer
- Domain objects - Wallet , NFT , AppState (this one holds the state of the app and gets flushed to disk at the end of the program)
- tests
- AdiWallet.Tests - contains XUnit tests for most of the logic
- tests for deserializing the messages
- tests for running one message , a batch of messages
- tests for the other commands , and testing if the resulting state written on disk is right
- AdiWallet.Tests - contains XUnit tests for most of the logic
- src:
Setting up:
- Windows:
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 -o
Go to the [target-folder] and open a Command Prompt terminal
Run : AdiWallet.App.exe [arguments]
Example of running the program with some commands:
`AdiWallet.App.exe --nft somenft`
`AdiWallet.App.exe --wallet somewallet`
`AdiWallet.App.exe --read-file myfile.json`
`AdiWallet.App.exe --read-inline "{\"Type\": \"Mint\", \"TokenId\": \"ab\", \"Address\": \"adi\"},{\"Type\": \"Transfer\", \"From\": \"adi\",\"To\": \"dan\", \"TokenId\": \"ab\"},{\"Type\": \"Burn\", \"TokenId\": \"ab\"}]"`
`AdiWallet.App.exe reset`
The project contains unit tests which can be run by going in the root directory of the source folder and running :
dotnet test