toy web viewer for eppy
You can view the files but cannot edit it yet.
Shows some of the interconnections between the idf objects
- open one of the idf files (5ZoneReturnFan.idf is a good one)
- click on one of the constructions
- click on the "?"
- click on "docs"
- click on "show links to other objects"
- follow the new links
- go back
- click on "run functions of this object"
- go back
- click on "Show objects that mention this object"
- follow the new links
- click on one of the loops
- click on "show node connections"
- It will show you what components this connected to.
- click on "Central Chiller"
- at the bottom of that page click on "prev objects & next objects"
- will show you a list of objects the chiller is connected to with a diagram of the connection
You can try this with other objects
that is all so far.
- Weppy was initially written in about 2-3 days. It was written to assist in a presentation on E+.
- Now it has become a useful tool to understand how E+ builds it's HVAC.
- This understanding is being used to further develop functions in eppy
- Apart from this, weppy is showing potential for being a good viewer for E+.
- You are welcome to fork it and build such a viewer.
- the eppy team may be motivated to write functions that will assist you in this.
- Any comments or ideas for further development can be posted as an issue (or as a comment in an issue) in weppy
- clone weppy
git clone
into a folder of your choice- create a virtual environment
- pip install -r requirements.txt
Note 1: weppy uses a modified version of eppy. If you already have eppy installed, unistall it by doing pip uninstall eppy
then do pip install -r requirements.txt
Note 2:Install graphviz
from here to view the diagrams
- cd to the folder where you cloned weppy
- open "http://localhost:8080" in your browser
take a look at the file idffilenames.txt
It is hard coded in
. Change it if you need to.